With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Do you know your sign in Chinese horoscope?

Do you know your sign in Chinese horoscope? Check yours now at http://www.happyfate.com/en/fate_service.php

Gender: Female Birthdate: 1990/2/18 7:13
Birth Chart--Bazi, 4 Pillars of Destiny
 時   日   月   年 
 偏財  比肩  偏財  七殺 

 戊   甲   戊   庚  
 辰   寅   寅   午  
 偏財  比肩  比肩  傷官 
 劫財  食神  食神  正財 
 正印  偏財  偏財     

◎Your life is represented by the huge pine tree, which means you can easily accumulate wealth and you are also a generous person. You are very helpful to your partner. You have an independent spirit and you like courteous, polite people. ◎

Your characteristics, subconscious, and behavior modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the pine tree.

The pine tree in the forest stands out from the crowd, grows independently and creates shade and shelter for others. Therefore, you also have an independent spirit to learn and grow continuously. You do not like to form small social circles among the people around you, but have a great sense of responsibility to take care of others. You are true to yourself and express your thoughts and ideas freely, and you are sympathetic, kind and somewhat sentimental. You respect and admire those who are heroic and powerful.

Your entire life is like a pine tree that experiences many challenges each winter, but you will grow and lift yourself to a higher level once you pass the tests. Just as pine is the best material for beams and pillars, you have the potential to be shaped into a strong, successful person. As long as you face the challenges, learn from others, and do not complain or blame others, you will definitely be one of the best leaders of the future.

◎Health Analysis: The function of your stomach and intestines is weaker.◎

According to your destiny analysis, the function of your stomach and intestines is weaker, which caused minor problems like bad breath, upset or bloated stomach, and diarrhea when you were young. But over age 40, additional care of your stomach and intestines is needed, or it may lead to major digestive system problems such as esophagus infection, stomach or intestinal infection, gastric ulcer, hemorrhoids, intestines polyp, diabetes. Therefore, you should avoid fatigue and stress, maintain a stable lifestyle and schedule, sleep and wake early, eat regular meals at regular hours, don't drink alcohol, and consume less acidic food and drink in order to protect a congenitally weak digestive system.

There's a saying that all disease starts from the mouth, which means many human diseases are related to food. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, food can be divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth (concept of the five elements). You seem to prefer the sweet flavors of desserts and other sweets, which means your cells are filled with too much earth element. This negatively affects your health, fortune and career, so we suggest you try different foods to balance your diet and nutrition, which leads to harmony in life and a balance of yin and yang based on the five elements. In addition, if you have recently felt unlucky or things were not going smoothly, then you are probably affected by bad spirit, which caused bad luck. The best solution is not to eat meat and fish for a period of time until the bad spirit goes away. The bad spirit tends to stay with those who eat meat and fish, and also chicken, duck, green onion, garlic, leek and other spices, so a vegetarian diet can help change your luck.

◎Health Analysis: The function of your renal system is weaker as well.◎

The function of your renal system is weaker as well. Your physical strength is not as good as others, and you always feel tired. You have had no major problems when you were young, but over age 40, additional care of your renal system is needed, or it may lead to blood pressure, anemia, heart problems and unsmooth periods, or even insomnia, melancholia, cranial nerve anemic, hearing problems, kidney problems, urocystitis, urethritis, gynecologic problem, heart and blood vessel problems. Therefore, you should avoid fatigue, maintain a stable and regular lifestyle and schedule, sleep and wake early, go outdoors and get more sunlight, and avoid deep-fried foods in order to protect a congenitally weaker renal system. Also avoid iced and cold drinks and reduce the frequency of sexual activities in order to maintain good vitality.

According to your destiny analysis, you are quite straight forward with a majority of things as long as you know how to deal with them, but you are not interested in knowing why you have to do them. You are a person of action who doesn't like to drag things out, but this can result in hasty decisions.

If you want to change your destiny, take a daily bath which allows you sufficient time to think and reflect, which helps you to make the right decisions. As long as you can think twice before acting, your destiny will be changed thoroughly with more health, wealth and happiness coming into your life.

◎The way you get along with your boyfriend or husband is more like friends in an equal position looking for a mutual balance. You have your own territory, friends, and also insist on your own opinions, so some disputes and disagreements are unavoidable.◎

In romance, according to our analysis, men usually like you at first sight. If they win your heart, a romance develops quickly, but doesn't last long because it's difficult to maintain the same level of passion from beginning to end. Generally speaking, you make a good first impression because you are charming and capable, but over time your passion is replaced by arguments. You are often admired, but are not satisfied with what you have, and your romantic partner may be very sticky if you want to break up. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to conceal your outer beauty in order to find more sincere and suitable lovers who aren't just attracted to your looks. Then true romance will come your way.

In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner may appear easily, and most possibly someone in your life and social circle. It could be someone introduced through school, work, or community association. You may marry early, so if you are still seeking your love partner look among the people around you; the person who is most handsome and attractive might possibly be the one. As long as you sincerely give a little hint, the happiness is right beside you.

◎Career Analysis: Most of your jobs, in any industry, require some professional training or expertise.◎

Most of your jobs, in any industry, require some professional training or expertise. For example, finance banker, accountant, engineer, lawyer, government official, consultant, etc. As long as you gain more professional experience and new industry knowledge, your value in a company will be irreplaceable. If you choose jobs that require professional training, your work will go smoothly (jobs that are labor intensive are not suitable). You tend, however, to think from only your own point of view, so you may lack the broad perspective for higher management. You should further strengthen your experience, and if you want to reach the next professional level, then you should be more understanding and considerate of other employees and communicate more, in order to improve your leadership ability.

◎Wealth Analysis: You know how to make money and save money, so you are seldom short of cash.◎

According to the destiny analysis, you know how to make money, and also know how to save money, so it's not easy for you to be short of cash. You knew the importance of the money since you were very young, so you started with your investments earlier than others. Therefore, you were generating and accumulating more money and wealth through investment while others were spending money and enjoying their lives. In addition, you were born very clever, and will not spend money if not necessary, but you are very interested in investing business, and very keen to be your own boss with your own career. You will be saving majority portion of your wealth, to invest in the real-estate or to establish your own business. Afterwards, you will bequest most of your wealth to your husband and relatives.

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