With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happyfate.com online fan chooses Specialty-Focused Express Service

Happyfate.com online fan chooses Specialty-Focused Express Service - Chat with Master Lin to address immediate concerns on career move:-

Master reply to Q1: 我看了您八字,今年驛馬逢沖,非常有機會換工作。巳亥兩月會有動盪。巳月就是5/5-6/5,亥月就是11/8-12/7。我覺得11月前後您非常有機會異動。我建議您換個環境,因為您還有好運,如果此地真的不適合,要換要趁早,要是拖到2016年,可能就算想換也會遇到很多事情讓您無法換,會綁住您。因此,趁現在有好運好機會,應該要換。另外,今年要多注意身體健康,因為三巳沖亥,要注意水火系統的問題。先預防就不容易有問題。希望您先保健一下,防患於未然...

Master rely to Q2: ...您八字年支亥,日支巳。驛馬就在巳與亥的年或月。因此每逢巳亥年月,您都可能會有想要動的現象。2016年後,戊子運,子午沖,巳亥沖,正沖時柱。因此,雖非壞運,但心境會很動盪。也就是想換換不了,不想換卻得換,就是如此,才會心情起伏動盪。所以,要換要趁早,趁機找到好工作,先卡位,用三年時間站穩腳步,根紮穩了,就不容易有動盪。到時沖動的現象就會轉變成出差,旅遊,國外查帳,搬家等等內函。命運的同一種現象有很多種可能的發展,因此我們要塑造它往我們期待的方向發展。

Master reply Q3: 您八字地支巳巳亥,三個馬,因此很容易會想動。天干正偏印,印綬喜歡穩定,因此表面上或意識中,您想要安定,不想冒風險。地支三食傷,食傷喜開創機會,因此內心或潛意識中,您想要走自己的一條路。因此您剛開始由意識做主都想要安定,一段時間,潛意識的影響會慢慢出來,又想要變動...

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

"How to manage my love or romance? "

Get instant answer to your question: "How to manage my love or romance? " at http://www.happyfate.com/en/fate_service.php

Name: Ms T Gender: Female Birthdate: 198x/x/x 1x:x

Birth Chart--Bazi, 4 Pillars of Destiny
 時   日   月   年 
 X       X    X          X

 X    X         X   X  

How to manage my love or romance?

【 For getting on with each other 】Your concept of love and romance, according to our analysis, is represented by the diamond. The diamond always catches the spotlight and plays the leading role. In love and romance, you are eye-catching and the center of focus, which can lead your partner to feel you belong to two different worlds or feel the relationship is a heavy burden. The way you communicate is straight forward, but can be as hard as a diamond. The diamond represents your subconscious expression of love that is perceived by your partner. Love requires a mutual understanding and compromise, so try to think from your partner's point of view, which will help you maintain your relationship smoothly.

【 For interaction 】When you two sit together, you should better not to sit at the opposite side of him. It is better if you could sit at his right side (the right side of himself). When you are walking, you should also walk at his right side (the right side of himself). By doing so, your relationship will be more and more harmonious and not easy to have argument. When you two holding hands, it is better if you could let his right hand's palm to hold the back of your left hand. It is because the palms belong to yin, and back of hands belong to yang. To hold hands by this way is the easiest way to fall in love with each other, which is also the best way to keep relationship.

【 For food 】Food has different energies. When people are falling in love, they will share food with each other. During this period, they normally eat quite similar food so it is also easy for them to fit in souls. After the relationship is stable, they start to eat what they personally preferred when eating outside. When the relationship is ordinary, these two people will not eat together that much, sometimes they are even dining separately. Thus, you will notice that if you want to make your relationship closer, please eat more food that he likes (only for healthy food).

【 For Feng Shui 】Please tidy up the "left side" of your bed (which is the left side when you lie on the bed and face up), and clean it. Within the space, don't put other things like pictures of people, portraits, statues of god, sculptures, paintings, puppets, toys, dolls, mirrors, plants at here, except items that related to your romance such as photos of you two, couple Tee, couple rings, his-and-hers watches, souvenirs of love, token of love, rose crystal ball, etc. Thus, your romance will not be interfered by bad things.