With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fortune-telling boom spells gloom for some..

Every time Chinese New Year rolls around, housewife Lim Gek Poh makes it a point to take her husband and two children to the same fortune-teller in Waterloo Street. 'Just before New Year is the best time for us to 'change our luck' and find out what we should avoid during the coming year,' said Madam Lim, 49, in Mandarin.

She is one of hundreds of Chinese Singaporeans who make the annual pilgrimage to over a dozen fortune-tellers plying their trade along Waterloo Street in the Bugis area. These elderly Chinese men set up their makeshift booths with nothing more than a stool and a battered suitcase of fortune-telling paraphernalia.

Despite the festive cheer these fortune-tellers add to the area, a small group of shop owners and members of the public are seeing red over what they say is overcrowding. According to nearby stall owners, the human traffic generated by these fortune-tellers has doubled over the past two years.

Published on Jan 25, 2012, By Elizabeth Soh, Straits Times

Monday, January 30, 2012

Happyfate solving issue encountered by client online.

Extracts of communication with client:
Client: “Hi I made payment but did not get the answer to my question. Pls assist. Thank you.”
Happyfate: “Thanks for your feedback, may i check which question you have selected? And DOB data. Kindly advise, will resolve to you soonest. Thanks. Sincerely”
Client: “Hi, the question on “when will i be married”. Is your system based on Bazi? My DOB is xxxx, Thanks.
“1. Regarding this error, i experience once on the first day of my website opening.
2. It was due to the time period set-up for "from entering pay-pal data to getting the answer" was too short. We lengthened the processing time set-up to 5 mins, since then there was no case until today.
3a. May i confirm are you experiencing the same problem in this case? => meaning is the time taken in entering your credit card & other information to getting your answer exceed 5 mins?
3b. We also checked that there are also other purchases today, and there are no issues with customers.
4. Would appreciate your information for our improvements.
5. Thank you.”
Client: “Hi Happyfate, Thank you so much for your prompt reply and extra reading, Very kind of you. I appreciate it.
Regarding the error, yes, i believe i took >5mins to confirm the order after I logged into my PayPal account because I wasn't sure if the site is genuine so I actually went back into the site to look around again before confirming my order. Hope it helps. Thank you for your help. Regards”

Happyfate answers query from client online.

Client email to Happyfate:

“So is not by birth date? ...don’t understand what it mean and how to get those things also..”

Happyfate explains to client :

1) Yes, the answer is based on your birth details to determine the direction of the item is placed.

2) Different people has different direction to take note depending on each bazi. I attached a picture of the plant for your reference, this plant can be purchased in many places, cold storage, ntuc fairprice, shengsiong, florist plantation etc.
3) You will need a compass, handphone compass app also can, stand in the centre of your study room and look at the compass southwest direction. This is the place to place your plant. Remember to keep it healthy as per Master advise. Thanks for your support. Thanks. Sincerely Happyfate

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happyfate Overseas Trip 27~29 Jan 2012

Dear friends,

I will be travelling to Bintan, Indonesia from 27~29 Jan 2012, returning in the late afternoon. I will reply to your email soonest possible upon my return. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Thank you.

Yours sincerely
website www.happyfate.com
email mark228@happyfate.com

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Calendar system : Li Chun (立春) brief introduction

The common date we use in school is derived from the western calendar, which is also known as the Gregorian calendar (阳历). Another widely used system is the Yin calendar, which is also referred to as the lunar calendar (农历/阴历). Besides these two calendars, there is also another system of organizing time, which is known as the Solar calendar (节气历).

Bazi and fengshui studies employ the Solar calendar. Different calendar systems have different ways of recording and labeling time. The differences of the three calendars can be summarized as follows:-

Calendar System
Western calendar
Lunar calendar
Solar calendar
Start of the year
Starts on 1st January
Starts on 1st of lunar month
Starts on “Beginning of spring” (立春). Usually on 4th or 5th Feb of the Western calendar
Start of the month
Starts on 1st of Jan, 1st of Feb, 1st of Mar etc
Starts on 1st of 1st lunar month (初一) or 2nd lunar month etc
Starts on 1st day of every solar month *

*12 Solar months: From the viewpoint of Bazi studies, the 12 Solar months can be indicated by 12 earthly branches (地支) as follows:

Lunar month
Western calendar
4th or 5th Feb
6th or 7th Mar
5th or 6th Apr
6th or 7th May
6th or 7th Jun
7th or 8th Jul
8th or 9th Aug
8th or 9th Sep
9th or 10th Oct
8th or 9th Nov
7th or 8th Dec
6th or 7th Jan

From the above table, you may notice that the months usually start around 6th in the first half of the year and around 8th in the second half. Therefore, the western calendar is actually an accurate and convenient system to derive the transitions between the 12 solar months too.

When establishing a person Eight Characters (八字), the Solar calendar is used to determine the Year Pillar (年柱), Month Pillar (月柱), Day Pillar (日柱) and Hour Pillar (时柱). Eight Characters is also called the Four Pillars of Destiny (四柱八字).

Friday, January 13, 2012

A friend shared with me about her working relationship with a colleague

She was complaining that one senior colleague in her department had been very uncooperative, egoistics, gossiping and affecting the teamwork of the department.

After hearing her story, I asked for friend date of birth and calculated her recent years luck cycle. I extract some of my analysis as follows:

1. 后园桃李树:除了正之外,另再事他,防背之病。=> health back problem, moonlighting... 
2. 茵蘿素絹扯是非吵架,爭又起,也不步。=> quarreling, dispute, none want to give way...

1. 立志孤高昂立向独特,只有自己方能做到,勢強。=> self conscious, confident, strongwill...
2. 鸞鳳棲梧桐在不佳团体中工作,恐白忙力。=> unfavorable teamwork, wasted efforts...

I told her to look on the bright side, 2012 will be slightly better in comparison:

1. 身行分吳越 分兩地奔波,辦事,而且速度快。=> busy working, more projects, fast & efficient...
2. 蟬傍水池边: 重,只自己,保自己。=> know to protect oneself, dependent...


Thursday, January 12, 2012

"天有不测风云, 人有旦夕祸福"

“天有不测风云, 人有旦夕祸福, 蜈蚣百足行不及蛇, 家鸡翼天飞不及鸟, 人有凌云之志, 非运不能胜达, 君子失时, 拱手于小人之下...扰不过命, 巧不过运. 万般皆由命. 掌握人生命脉, 祸福自定自移, 此乃知命掌运之最高指导原则...”

Life is full of uncertainties. It can be full of joy in one moment, and frustration in the next. It is either auspicious or inauspicious, and may be blessed with fortune or faced with bad luck. No one is able to run away from his or her fate.

Your personal yearly luck analysis reports will provide you an additional guidance in your life. If you know a certain year luck is average or not good, you may want to be more conservative in your approaches or avoid aggressive investment. On the other hand, if your luck is good, you may want to make that major decision or be more pro-active in chasing your goals.

Sunday, January 8, 2012




Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happyfate大师亲算: 问任何一个问题.

問題: 你好我想問1978615號辰時出生的男生喜歡怎麼樣的女生, 他是怎麼樣的一個人与他的一生是個有財富的人嗎? 謝謝




一切順利 吉祥如意
林淳寬 敬上

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bazi analysis on what subjects are most suitable for my study?

What majors are the most suitable for my study?
You were born lacking the water element of thinking, so it is helpful to your future career and business to study certain subjects. Even if you didn't study any of these suggested topics before, you can pursue further self-study to change your fate and destiny. By reading related books and magazines or participating in related seminars and activities, you will contribute to your business and career, and gradually change your fate and destiny. Recommended subjects include: International Trade and Finance, Media Design, Visual Design, Public Broadcasting, Television Broadcasting, Film, Media and Information, Advertising, Broadcast Engineering, Languages, Applied Languages, Literature, Translation and Interpretation, Marine Hydraulic Engineering, Water Conservation, Oceanography, Ocean Engineering, etc.

Bazi analysis on how to arrange better feng shui for my study?

How to arrange better feng shui for my study?
In Feng Shui, the Wen Chang star affects the luck of taking exams. If you are preparing for exams to pursue further study, to study abroad, or simply any tests and exams from school, then you must increase the energy of the Wen Chang position. The general Feng Shui teacher will hang four Chinese brushes in Wen Chang position to represent the four green Wen Chang stars for good luck. We suggest a better method by replacing the Chinese brushes with pathos vines because the leaves are green, round and very effective in bringing you good luck. You can position four pathos vines on the north side of your room to improve your luck in exams. Remember to thoroughly water them once a week, allow sufficient sunshine and good air circulation, and always remove withered leaves for them to grow well. You can move the pathos vines to a veranda or balcony after your exam for future use. Make sure you position them back in your room one year before a national exam, 49 days before a major exam, and seven days before a general test for good results.  (result as per personal Bazi given)