With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Friday, February 22, 2013

Guess who is the naturally born Feng Shui Master??

Guess who is the naturally born Feng Shui Master??

When you are choosing a house unit, bring along a pet dog to see the house. Lead the dog into the house and notice the reaction of the dog. If the dog is happily running around, it represents the dog likes this house, which also means the Feng Shui of this house is pretty good. If the dog is very impatient and wants to leave this house, you can c...onsider searching for another house. This is because even the dog does not want to live in this house, not to mention about human.

Child under the age of one year old is considered pure in the mind spiritually. If you are looking for a new house unit, you may consider bringing a child along to view the house. If the child is happily playing inside, it means this is a pretty good Feng Shui house. If the child behaves impatiently and wants to leave or starts to cry, you can consider searching for another house. It is not advisable to buy this house.

Have you try it before??

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