With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Feng Shui Tips from the web....

The Star/Asia News Network
Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012

In feng shui, nothing is ever instantaneous. The common misconception is that you put an aquarium in the south-east sector of your house, and boom, you're a director of a public listed company overnight.

Well, if only it was that easy, we would have Bill Gates springing up everywhere like mushrooms after the rains. The thing is, people often look for instant results in feng shui. But they failed to realise that like every form of art and science, feng shui is not like a Band-Aid or Botox.

At the very least, feng shui requires either a directional or location change, and improving a situation would take time gradually and the progressive change of Qi in the property.

However, there are, despite the earlier points, several easy, albeit inconclusive, methods to gain favourable footing in the feng shui prospects of your property. These 101 steps are what you need for your house later on.

1) Entrance

Before you begin anything, note that the Main Door is one of the most important features in any property. The Main Door, or the Mouth of your house, acts as a "main entrance" as to where the Qi would enter the property.

Some residences, however, are heavily shadowed as a result of high or tall trees growing in front or on either side of the house. This is a no-no arrangement as it means the Qi flow to the house is blocked.

Solution: Trim away the heavy foliage or those low hanging bushes to let in much-desired sunlight and enable Qi to flow through.

2) Manhole

Another external feature you might want to examine is the manhole. Yes, they may appear innocuous, but in fact, a manhole located in proximity to the front of your property could potentially spearhead a Qi puncture problem.

And, this is prevalent even if the manhole is covered with a grill.

Solution: Cover the manhole with a slab of earth - that's it!

3) Uncluttered Space

An open space is a much desired feature in feng shui. Open space, or what is known as Bright Hall in feng shui, is a spacious ground in front and inside of your house where Qi could collect and settle before it is redistributed around the property.

Yes, an internal Bright Hall is equally as important.

Similarly, in apartment and condo feng shui, it is important for the unit's door to open out to a spacious foyer and broad area so that Qi can settle. Despite what it is called, a Bright Hall cannot be created by just having multiple lights in front of your house!

Solution: De-clutter the area in front of your Main Door to ensure no big physical items are obstructing the Qi "settlement". Similarly, make sure the foyer or greeting area inside of your house is spacious and clean as well.

4) Stove

Internally, in your kitchen, if your stove is located directly opposite your sink, changes need to be made. This situation denotes a clear Fire and Water elements clashing and it will unleash a wave of health issues affecting the residents.

Solution: Put a console or an island in the middle of the "clashing" area and peace will be restored in your household.

5) Bed

When it comes to sleep, the position of the bed ranks the highest importance in feng shui assessment! Placing the bed in the wrong direction could lead you to sleepless nights, affected health prospects and negative pressure at work. Yes, this is something you should consider about your bed placement.

Solution: Always place your bed against the wall. The bed is a Yin element and the wall is Yang - hence, a perfect balance is maintained.

There many other elements to assess before you can achieve well-balanced feng shui results in your home. The above steps, though easy and convenient, are only a fraction of what you can actually do for good internal and external feng shui outcome...

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