With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Friday, April 27, 2012

A lady reader writes online to Happyfate about relationship...

A female reader writes online to Happyfate:

“I have just ended my 5 years with my partner and it has really taken a toll of my life. I have never had any luck before in my life, may i request you to help me see my bazi xx feb 19xx and my partner xx feb 19xx. we worked hard & saved becos we see ourselves growing old together, however this came to an end in 2010 suddenly when he met another lady. Now it is history. I would like to seek answer on what went wrong…”

Happyfate advices:

1)      For you: potential problems to take note
First, you tend to give many suggestions and reminders out of good intention, but also might be taken the wrong way. Speak positively and try not to hurt the ego and pride of your partner. Second, you may be a bit fussy and prejudiced, which he will not accept in the long run. Third, arguments between lovers are common, but your fights tend to be overly impetuous and emotional, which eventually cause mutual mental scars. Fourth, you tend to be busy and have to realize love both parties need to nuture and manage the relationship.

2)      For your partner: potential problems to take note
First, you tend to overlook love because you are busy with work. Women generally consider love and the relationship a priority, therefore, you should realize love requires time to manage and nurture. Second, you may be a bit chauvinistic, which your partner will not accept in the long run and will consider a reason to leave you. Third, arguments between lovers are common, but your fighting tends to be over impetuous and emotional, which eventually causes mutual mental scars.

3)  Both you & your partner 2012 luck base on Chinese traditional bazi analysis as follows:

You: 禾苗逢遇災=>災禍连连,破财、车祸、疾病…等。另一方面,可能事业有成长而相对的也骄傲。=>This year luck is below average. Although there may be good progress in your career, there is possibility of accident, sickness or loss of wealth. Do take care.

His: 葵种沙岸丘=>不用心培植,敷衍了事的行事风格。运势不顺,且依赖性頗重,毫无主见。=>This year luck is below average. Luck is not smooth. You seem not interested to cultivate, grow or maintain things. And you tend to treat your tasks or responsibilities half-heartedly. You are over dependent and lack of own opinions.


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