I saw your posting on flowerpod.com and would appreciate your reading on my career in this year. There have been a lot of ups and downs / changes in my career for the past years and i really want to go back to banking. Female, Oct 5 19XX, time is slightly past noon, Singapore time. Thx!
Happyfate answers: service@happyfate.com
2009: 己丑 (25)
寒潭下鉤钓: 运途不佳,景气不好防失败。忧容满面,若有所思,要消除烦恼定心情。
=>Luck was no good, prevent failure. There was need to overcome your worries and stablize your status.
2010: 庚寅 (26)
隔墙花影影: 外面美好事物均是空虛,得不到,要安份。個強屈将,硬碰硬。另一方面做生疏的工作。
=>Luck was average. Be content with what you have, need not chase after unachieveable target. On the other hand, might be doing new job.
2011: 辛卯 (27)
淒涼风雨心: 悲戚寂寞又波折不断、失望烦恼重重。
=>Luck was no good. You might be demoralize and alone in work. Things were not smooth, you were disappointed and there were many worries.
2012: 壬辰 (28)
辅鼎股肱助: 辅助有功,鼎力助其穩畅,最佳辅助人才。另一方面 ,牵扯到鸿雁双数,喻可能合夥,或两人之间恩爱。
=>Luck is good this year. You should be able to excel in a supporting role in your works. On the other hand, there may be opportunities of good team work or partnership or good development in love relationship. Good luck to you.
"i really want to go back to banking"
=>Base on your Bazi, your favouable elements are Wood & Earth…....
Client reply after reading Happyfate analysis:
Thanks Happyfate,
Your report has been largely correct.
2009 - very bad for me.
2010 - not smooth sailing and yes, I was transferred within the firm
2011: I started feeling disappointed with the way things developed
2012: I am requesting for a transfer back to my previous scope of work. Team work - Not sure about how things will be when I transfer back but now that I was given a portfolio change within my existing dept. Currently I enjoy a pretty decent working relationship with the director and the supervisor. But still feel quite demoralised, worried and down re my career. While I look forward to the transfer, I am also worried about it.
Also I am going to ROM this year, so the part on love is right too
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