Birth Chart--Chinese Bazi, 4 Pillars of Destiny 時 日 月 年 xx 正財 劫財 xx 甲 己 乙 xx 子 卯 丑 xx 正印 劫財 正財 xx 正印 正官 |
What difficulties will I encounter during my love or romance? |
According to our analysis, you may experience certain circumstances in love and romance, which cause some problems. Avoid these potential problems and your journey of love and romance will definitely be more smooth. First, you tend to spend a lot on dating and romance, but excessive extravagance will lead to spending you can't afford. Splurge once in a while for a special, romantic atmosphere. Second, it's better for you to avoid cash and money ties, so do not jointly invest or borrow money, which may cause unhappiness and conflict. Third, your partner may easily get jealous, so avoid treating other women too well, even friends, because it will cause instability to your relationship. |
With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"
在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)
Saturday, March 31, 2012
What difficulties will I encounter during my love or romance? instant service section => immediate answer to your personal destiny questions.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Bazi 2 yearly luck cycles including months analysis: by Happyfate
2.独登秦楼上: 独自图享欢乐,享受人生乐趣。
=>Smooth progress, things go your ways, promotion and wealth luck, satisfied.
=>Tends to enjoy life and fun alone.
画卢并峰连: 野心頗大,连销企业,扩大版图之志气。=>ambitious, career with retail chain business, aggressive in expansion.
(b) 2013癸巳年运势: (Good)
騏驥盜取來: 欲得到美好事物,且不择手段想拥有。
=>smooth and stable luck, lucky period.
持弓矢逐鹿: 志气高昂,野心浮显,恃物而行,志得意满。=>high spirit, aggressive, press forward, satisfied.
蓝田种碧玉: 投资事业,欲轻松得财,尚须勤奋才好。=>investment in career, achieve wealth easily, and continue to work hard is recommended.
Bazi fate in general:
1.驰驱运路道: 进展顺利,得心应手,升官发财更如意。2.独登秦楼上: 独自图享欢乐,享受人生乐趣。
=>Smooth progress, things go your ways, promotion and wealth luck, satisfied.
=>Tends to enjoy life and fun alone.
(a) 2012壬辰年运势: (Good)
驰驱运路道: 进展顺利,得心应手,升官发财更如意。=>smooth progress, things go your way, promotion and wealth luck, satisfied.画卢并峰连: 野心頗大,连销企业,扩大版图之志气。=>ambitious, career with retail chain business, aggressive in expansion.
松柏傲露霜: 坚定意志,努力向上,傲骨毅力不畏重击。=>strong will, hardworking, not afraid of pressure.
井底观天象: 能知天下事,预测本能浮显,另一面趋向保守。=>good forecast ability, but may tend to be conservative.
松柏傲露霜: 坚定意志,努力向上,傲骨毅力不畏重击。=> strong will, hardworking, not afraid of pressure.
驰驱运路道: 进展顺利,得心应手,升官发财更如意。smooth progress, things go your way, promotion and wealth luck, satisfied.(b) 2013癸巳年运势: (Good)
騏驥盜取來: 欲得到美好事物,且不择手段想拥有。
高举舟帆风: 顺畅运势,一路安穩,难得好运之时。
=>crave for good things, may tend to achieve it through every means.=>smooth and stable luck, lucky period.
琴调曲音和: 与夫妻、親友间相处和睦美满,同心協力合作。=>good cooperation with family & relatives to achieve results.4-8月
持弓矢逐鹿: 志气高昂,野心浮显,恃物而行,志得意满。=>high spirit, aggressive, press forward, satisfied.
蓝田种碧玉: 投资事业,欲轻松得财,尚须勤奋才好。=>investment in career, achieve wealth easily, and continue to work hard is recommended.
騏驥盜取來: 欲得到美好事物,且不择手段想拥有。=> crave for good things, may tend to achieve it through every means.Saturday, March 17, 2012
Reminder notice: Premium Master Services
Dear Friends,
Thank you. Yours sincerely Happyfate
Would like to remind that for the Master Premium Service questions, after you have selected and paid through pay-pal, kindly email to to confirm the premium service question selected and inform the information required for that question, for example your details birth data and gender. Happyfate Master will email the report to you in 5~7 days time. Some examples of the Chinese version of these procedures as follows:
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想详细了解自己的八字与运程吗?为自己的人生做好规划!老师亲自帮您分析。 ◆所需资料:姓名、性别、生辰资料(年/月/日/时)
Thank you. Yours sincerely Happyfate
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
他指出,要是真的只能在清明节或之后前去扫墓,扫墓者身上则应带上天禄(貔貅),以达到避邪的作用。完整报道,请翻阅12.03.2012 新加坡《新明日报》。
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
I want to know about birth hour, i don't know my birth hour
Dear Sir, I want to ask about birth hour. I don’t know my birth hour, my parent told me i was born sometime at 830 pm to 930 pm. my current big event is I got promotion last 1 Oct 2011. I was born on 3 Dec 19XX . Since i haven’t married yet, can you tell me what time i was born. Thank you.
Dear Sir, I want to ask about birth hour. I don’t know my birth hour, my parent told me i was born sometime at 830 pm to 930 pm. my current big event is I got promotion last 1 Oct 2011. I was born on 3 Dec 19XX . Since i haven’t married yet, can you tell me what time i was born. Thank you.
Thanks for your email. May i ask is there any water features like pond, river etc on the right of your house nearby? Or is there mountain or hill on the right of your house nearby? May i ask also about the nature of your job industry? For example property, housing? or transportation, goods trading?
Yes, I live nearby harbour. and it's on the right side too, about 1 kilometer from my house. (i live there since i was born) n I work near Harbour too (My house and my office distance is about 500 meter) Is it my birth hour possible at XX hour??
So happy to received your reply :) I work as accounting staff, at flour mill (food manufacturing) btw, your web doesn't have English translation? thanks for the answer.
No problem at all, i try to answer your questions. Yes, my website is bilingual, you can click English" button on the top right corner of my main page. Regarding your possible birth hour, the conclusion is XX hour.
Dear Sir, Thanks for the answer :)
(Extracts from Happyfate email with client)
Dear Sir, Thanks for the answer :)
(Extracts from Happyfate email with client)
Monday, March 5, 2012
I am interested to know my personal luck analysis for 2012...
Hi Master, I am interested to know my personal luck analysis for 2012....
My grandmother (deceased) wrote in a piece of paper dated 1962 & she wrote that my life was not smooth riding BUT when i turn to age 52, luck will be with me all the way! I hope my grandma is right! DOB: 04-06-19XX, Time: 0X00 hrs
=>You may be embarking on a new career or being transferred to another job scope or move house. The sentences hint on a possibility of changes & movements this year. Things are not smooth and there are likely to be “hiccups” along the way. On the other hand, beware of the traffic, take care if you drive.
(b) “My grandmother (deceased) wrote in a piece of paper dated 1962 &..she wrote that my life was not smooth riding BUT when i turn to age 52, luck will be with me all the way!”
=>Yes, I would think your grandmother is a Master herself. I agree with her that your luck when turn to age 52 is good (i.e. year 2013, I guess your grandmother used Chinese age during her time). 2013 you may find the right partner or method to help in your career or wealth planning. And Yes, your luck cycle is very good from 2016-2020. Congratulations.
Thank you Master for your email. If your reading is accurate, I will definitely recommend friends to Happyfate...Thank you.
My grandmother (deceased) wrote in a piece of paper dated 1962 & she wrote that my life was not smooth riding BUT when i turn to age 52, luck will be with me all the way! I hope my grandma is right! DOB: 04-06-19XX, Time: 0X00 hrs
Happyfate answers:
(a) 2012壬辰年:
戶过溪河桥: 戶口、家庭迁移到另一地,产生异动情況。淺水行不了帆舟,喻进展不顺,易生橫节。另须注意交通意外之事。=>You may be embarking on a new career or being transferred to another job scope or move house. The sentences hint on a possibility of changes & movements this year. Things are not smooth and there are likely to be “hiccups” along the way. On the other hand, beware of the traffic, take care if you drive.
(b) “My grandmother (deceased) wrote in a piece of paper dated 1962 &..she wrote that my life was not smooth riding BUT when i turn to age 52, luck will be with me all the way!”
=>Yes, I would think your grandmother is a Master herself. I agree with her that your luck when turn to age 52 is good (i.e. year 2013, I guess your grandmother used Chinese age during her time). 2013 you may find the right partner or method to help in your career or wealth planning. And Yes, your luck cycle is very good from 2016-2020. Congratulations.
Thank you Master for your email. If your reading is accurate, I will definitely recommend friends to Happyfate...Thank you.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Happyfate online answers to client's request
Hello Master:
I saw your posting on and would appreciate your reading on my career in this year. There have been a lot of ups and downs / changes in my career for the past years and i really want to go back to banking. Female, Oct 5 19XX, time is slightly past noon, Singapore time. Thx!
Happyfate answers:
2009: 己丑 (25)
寒潭下鉤钓: 运途不佳,景气不好防失败。忧容满面,若有所思,要消除烦恼定心情。
=>Luck was no good, prevent failure. There was need to overcome your worries and stablize your status.
2010: 庚寅 (26)
隔墙花影影: 外面美好事物均是空虛,得不到,要安份。個強屈将,硬碰硬。另一方面做生疏的工作。
=>Luck was average. Be content with what you have, need not chase after unachieveable target. On the other hand, might be doing new job.
2011: 辛卯 (27)
淒涼风雨心: 悲戚寂寞又波折不断、失望烦恼重重。
=>Luck was no good. You might be demoralize and alone in work. Things were not smooth, you were disappointed and there were many worries.
2012: 壬辰 (28)
辅鼎股肱助: 辅助有功,鼎力助其穩畅,最佳辅助人才。另一方面 ,牵扯到鸿雁双数,喻可能合夥,或两人之间恩爱。
=>Luck is good this year. You should be able to excel in a supporting role in your works. On the other hand, there may be opportunities of good team work or partnership or good development in love relationship. Good luck to you.
"i really want to go back to banking"
=>Base on your Bazi, your favouable elements are Wood & Earth…....
Client reply after reading Happyfate analysis:
Thanks Happyfate,
Your report has been largely correct.
2009 - very bad for me.
2010 - not smooth sailing and yes, I was transferred within the firm
2011: I started feeling disappointed with the way things developed
2012: I am requesting for a transfer back to my previous scope of work. Team work - Not sure about how things will be when I transfer back but now that I was given a portfolio change within my existing dept. Currently I enjoy a pretty decent working relationship with the director and the supervisor. But still feel quite demoralised, worried and down re my career. While I look forward to the transfer, I am also worried about it.
Also I am going to ROM this year, so the part on love is right too
I saw your posting on and would appreciate your reading on my career in this year. There have been a lot of ups and downs / changes in my career for the past years and i really want to go back to banking. Female, Oct 5 19XX, time is slightly past noon, Singapore time. Thx!
Happyfate answers:
2009: 己丑 (25)
寒潭下鉤钓: 运途不佳,景气不好防失败。忧容满面,若有所思,要消除烦恼定心情。
=>Luck was no good, prevent failure. There was need to overcome your worries and stablize your status.
2010: 庚寅 (26)
隔墙花影影: 外面美好事物均是空虛,得不到,要安份。個強屈将,硬碰硬。另一方面做生疏的工作。
=>Luck was average. Be content with what you have, need not chase after unachieveable target. On the other hand, might be doing new job.
2011: 辛卯 (27)
淒涼风雨心: 悲戚寂寞又波折不断、失望烦恼重重。
=>Luck was no good. You might be demoralize and alone in work. Things were not smooth, you were disappointed and there were many worries.
2012: 壬辰 (28)
辅鼎股肱助: 辅助有功,鼎力助其穩畅,最佳辅助人才。另一方面 ,牵扯到鸿雁双数,喻可能合夥,或两人之间恩爱。
=>Luck is good this year. You should be able to excel in a supporting role in your works. On the other hand, there may be opportunities of good team work or partnership or good development in love relationship. Good luck to you.
"i really want to go back to banking"
=>Base on your Bazi, your favouable elements are Wood & Earth…....
Client reply after reading Happyfate analysis:
Thanks Happyfate,
Your report has been largely correct.
2009 - very bad for me.
2010 - not smooth sailing and yes, I was transferred within the firm
2011: I started feeling disappointed with the way things developed
2012: I am requesting for a transfer back to my previous scope of work. Team work - Not sure about how things will be when I transfer back but now that I was given a portfolio change within my existing dept. Currently I enjoy a pretty decent working relationship with the director and the supervisor. But still feel quite demoralised, worried and down re my career. While I look forward to the transfer, I am also worried about it.
Also I am going to ROM this year, so the part on love is right too
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