=>Your Bazi is very good and you are able to live a very
smooth life. On your career:
1. 如果您在外面公司上班,当业务,可以做得非常好,您会帮公司赚很多钱,您也会得到丰富的报酬。=>If
you are working for other company and in the sales department, you will be able
to do very well. You can help the company to earn a lot of money and you will
be rewarded handsomely.
2. 但是现在您希望自行创业,那就需要考虑更多事项。But if
you are looking to start own business, then you have to consider more areas:-
甲、 创业要成功,比上班要成功难度还要高许多。A)
starting a business is definitely more difficult to succeed as compare to
working for other company.
乙、 您的八字命格,本身就是创业的命格,也是业务的命格,因此今生您迟早会走上创业的命。B)
Your Bazi indicates that you have the chance to start own business and also you
are suitable for a sales career. Thus, it is only a matter of time you will try
to start your own business.
丙、 在创业过程中,您很会开创新事业,也很会创造业绩。但是您缺乏的是事业的管理及守财能力,因此您创业过程中,会浪费许多不该花费的金钱,也会浪费很多时间在处理旧问题上面,因此,就很容易在原地打转,耽误了您往前冲的契机。C)
In the process of starting your business, you will be very creative and good in
chalking up sales targets. However, you are lacking in People & Finance
Management skills. Thus, along the way, you may waste time & money to solve
old problems. This is the major hindrance when you are managing your business.
丁、 在创业的行业方面,您最适合跟金有关的行业,例如:金融业、BANKING、FINANCE、INVESTMENT、METALS、珠宝、五金、钢铁等。其它行业不是不可以,只是没有那么适合。D)
The most suitable industry for your career/business is related to metal. For
example Finance, Banking, Investment, Metal, Jewellery, Steel etc. The other
elements are also possible but may not be as good as metal element.
戊、 在创业的大运方面,您2011年开始走入甲午运,是火运,而您最喜欢的金运是在25岁之前,因此,我们才特地跟您确认您25岁前家境如何。您说您可以出国留学,由此可见,您确实是喜欢金运。但是您目前走火运,走火运的时候,您不容易守财,花钱会比较大方,也比较敢投资。对于创业不是很理想,表示您可能不会精打细算,而很敢冲。E)
You entered a main luck cycle in 2011, which is the fire element luck. In the
analysis, your best main luck cycle is metal which is before 25 years old. We
specially asked you earlier about your family condition to confirm that metal
luck is indeed most favorable to you as you were able to study overseas before
25 years old. As for the present fire luck currently, you will tend to spend
money freely, dare to explore and invest but may not be good in money
management. Thus you may need to watch your savings. And it may not be a
suitable time if you are planning to start business.
己、 因为您已经决定要创业了,因此我们重点应该摆在在这个大运中,您应该要注意下面几点事情:F)
As you may be wanting to start own business now, we have the following
suggestions for the present main luck cycle:
您最好独资,胜过跟别人合伙。Sole ownership is
better than partnership
it is in partnership, consider either investing as the bigger shareholder or
vice versa. Do not consider 50%-50% or equal shareholdings.
the shareholdings are already equally distributed, then you may need to choose
your partners carefully or look into suitable Feng Shui arrangement.
must try your best to save your money and do not spend freely. This will
prevent wasting unnecessary money. You may split your funds in different
locations which cannot allow you to withdraw freely. This can help you save
money in your career & business.
庚、 在流年方面,因为您喜欢金,2010年和2011年是庚寅、辛卯年,正好就是金的年份,对您有利。G) For your yearly luck, 2010
& 2011 metal is good for you.
water is also not bad. There will be movement in career, especially in the
month of April & October.
2013年癸巳年,属水,但地支三会巳午未,表示您要防范有一笔花大钱的现象,或是破大财的现象。因此,建议您,与其破财,还不如在2013年,若房地产不贵,那就在20113年买房地产,来化解破财现象。2013 is also
water thus ok. However, there are signs that you may tend to spend money freely
& in a way this considers as lose money. Thus, we suggest you may consider
safe investment to lock your excess funds.
is not a good year. There will seem to be obstacles everywhere. However, this
will be the sign for you to consider starting your business. After this year,
your career luck will stabilize going forward.
辛、 由以上分析,我们可以知道,您并不是在大运及流年都好的时候来创业,而是在大运及流年都比较弱势的时候来创业。因此,您不可有预期心理,认为一切都会很顺利。您今年能够创业,是因为您本命好,但是时机还没有到。因此,您必须要更谨慎才行。H)
From the above analysis, you chance to start own business may not occur in the
time when your main & yearly luck is good and it may occur when your main
& yearly luck is average. If you are able to start a business this year, it
is due to your good bazi but it may not be the best timing. Therefore, if you
have started, you need to be careful in managing your business.
壬、 因此,您要有下列准备:I)
Your preparations:
至少要准备三年的资金 at least 3 years of
split your capital, do not spend them easily, unless necessary.
癸、 在风水开运方面;As
for Feng Shui consideration you requested:
请您寻找坐西朝东的住宅(Very Important~!)我是指您OFFICE的门要向东,而不是整栋BUILDING的门向东
please choose an office which sits West and face the East direction. This is
very important. I am referring to your office door must face the East, and not
the whole building doors have to face East.
请您避开4楼7楼9楼的楼层。(Very Important~!)Please avoid level 4, 7 &
9 as your office. This is very important.
请您避开OFFICE后方有游泳池,有很大一片水的OFFICE。Please avoid office which has swimming pool at the
back or big water feature near the office.
for color, please use white, silver, gold, milky white ang golden color as your
main colors.
是装潢可以用金属质感的。Furniture &
fittings can consider metal feel designs.
敬祝您 wishing
一切顺利 吉祥如意 a smooth
& prosperous luck ahead
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