With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Friday, March 28, 2014

* instant service answer: How to manage my love & romance? *

Website: http://www.happyfate.com/en/fate_love.php

Name: Ms B Gender: Female Birthdate: 1987/3/28 20:00

Birth Chart--Bazi, 4 Pillars of Destiny
 時   日   月   年 
 食神      正官  劫財 

 戊   丙   癸   丁  ...
 戌   子   卯   卯  

 食神  正官  正印  正印 

How to manage my love or romance?

◎ As long as you can get rid of the relationship models of "sun", thinking from one another and use methods like interaction, food, Feng Shui to help you manage your romance. Trust your romance will be more and more happiness and harmonious. ◎

【 For getting on with each other 】Your concept of love and romance, according to our analysis, is represented by the sun. The sun is full of power and unlimited energy, so in love and romance you are willing to sacrifice for your love partner. Your good will and intention, however, may sometimes put pressure on your partner. You may also feel that you are devoted and offer so much, but do not receive the appreciation you deserved. The sun shines on every corner of this land, so you will do your best to take care everything of your partner, including relatives, friends, family, business, wealth and health. Therefore, you will feel very tired and need to rest once in a while, and stop to enjoy your life. The sun represents your subconscious expression of love that is perceived by your partner. Love requires a mutual understanding and compromise, so try to think from your partner's point of view, which will help you maintain your relationship smoothly.

【 For interaction 】When you two sit together, you should better not to sit at the opposite side of him. It is better if you could sit at his right side (the right side of himself). When you are walking, you should also walk at his right side (the right side of himself). By doing so, your relationship will be more and more harmonious and not easy to have argument. When you two holding hands, it is better if you could let his right hand's palm to hold the back of your left hand. It is because the palms belong to yin, and back of hands belong to yang. To hold hands by this way is the easiest way to fall in love with each other, which is also the best way to keep relationship.

【 For food 】Food has different energies. When people are falling in love, they will share food with each other. During this period, they normally eat quite similar food so it is also easy for them to fit in souls. After the relationship is stable, they start to eat what they personally preferred when eating outside. When the relationship is ordinary, these two people will not eat together that much, sometimes they are even dining separately. Thus, you will notice that if you want to make your relationship closer, please eat more food that he likes (only for healthy food).

【 For Feng Shui 】Please tide up the "left side" of your bed (which is the left side when you lie on the bed and face up), and clean it. Within the space, don't put other things like pictures of people, portraits, statues of god, sculptures, paintings, puppets, toys, dolls, mirrors, plants at here, except items that related to your romance such as photos of you two, couple Tee, couple rings, his-and-hers watches, souvenirs of love, token of love, rose crystal ball, etc. Thus, your romance will not be interfered by bad things.

Friday, March 21, 2014

*** HappyFate App is online ***

Open iTunes to download the free app now!!!
Search "Horoscope Advice." by HappyFate


"Horoscope Advice" - get your destiny forecast & daily horoscope guidance now!!


1. "Instant Services" section:
provides instant answers to 169 destiny questions that you may have in mind now. Personal questions such as Should I quit my job? When will I get married? How is my love partner profile? When will I get richer? What field to establish my business? How to arrange better Feng Shui for my wealth & many more!

2. "Lunar Calendar" section:
provides you with instant advises on the things good or not good to do on each day. The auspicious hours to take note and the directions to avoid on that day. This thus compliments your plan for each day.

3. "Daily luck" section:
provides your daily lucky number, direction, colour, auspicious items to wear as well as your wealth and love index for the day. With these additional information available on hand every day, you will be more equipped to make a better decision on any day.

4. Start using this APP:
you just need to input an online name and your western date of birth information in the Setting page.

5. Service support:
kindly email to us at service@happyfate.com. Please visit our website for more information and service. Thank you.


With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have some destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Find out your lucky hairstyle based on your date & time of birth data (Bazi Analysis) - English version instant answer.

Ms H Gender: Female Birthdate: 19xx/x/x 1x:00
(Female) What is my lucky hairstyle?

時 日 月 年

辛 X 乙 乙 ...
酉 X X 卯

Doll-like Curly Hair
You are sensitive and often hesitate in making decisions due to some obsessions. As a result, your actions may be slow and weak. Ideally, you can try long rollers or a crimper to curl and shape your hair to enhance your actions and keep your sensitivity. Make your hair fluffy and full like the 1960s fashion. Keep your bangs straight to avoid the hairstyle becoming too outdated or conservative.

Medium Long Hair with Layers
A hairstyle with layers can help you be more mature and steady. Length of hair is about 25-30cm past your shoulders. Part hair in the middle and let the ends of your hair slightly feathered. Your face is the central focal point and the hair is layered featuring diamond lines of the haircut. Try to style your hair so that you can see the layers from the top of your head to your eyes.

(Note: Date of birth info edited for privacy reasons).

Find out your lucky manicure designs based on your date & time of birth data (Bazi Analysis)

      维持爱情温度开运指要巩固爱情的热度,就要借用 粉红色金色花朵,含金葱的粉色或是透明白相互搭配,再加上泪滴型的水钻或是婴儿粉红的花朵,就能让您们的爱情更加巩固。粉红色也可以换成熏衣草紫色,熏衣草紫色对于建立双方互相信赖非常有效。

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Happyfate.com likes SG50



What is SG50? Well, it represents the little red dot that we’ve come to know as home. The logo celebrates the Singaporean spirit – signifying that our dreams are not limited by the physical size of our island nation.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Master Advice based on Bazi Analysis (Date & Time of Birth)

I am sure every one of us has arrived at certain crossroads in our life and finds it difficult to come to a decision? Yes, life is always full of different options and the outcome of things is dependent on our final decisions and actions.

Most of us have different concerns and issues facing us at different periods of our life. Fresh graduates may ask if they have chosen the correct course or which job industry is more suitable for them in future. Working adults may want to know is it suitable time to change job or establish own business. Lovers may ask when will be the best time to marry. And parents may want to know what is best for their children studies. The list goes on…

With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have some destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one.

This is where Bazi analysis can help us make informed decisions to achieve our goals and create a quality life for ourselves. Bazi analysis can help us understand our luck cycles, our personalities, our capabilities, our strengths and weaknesses and allow us to have a board information and learn the most suitable actions to take and best decisions to make at different periods of our life.

Monday, March 3, 2014

大师亲算: 随身大师服务(快速分析) Popular with online friends require quick advice

Online friend email questions to Master:

“I would like to find out if my bazi shows any indication that I will have a 2nd marriage? If I have, have that person arrived in my life? If so, at what age will I re-married again. Or is it my fate that I will be lonely for the rest of my life.”


Master email answer:-










1.         建议您检查过去以及现在风水的布局,是否一直有下列现象:









2.         在爱情的饮食上建议您:

请去Vitamin Shop,购买天然非合成的Biotin(生物素)Mg(),隔两天饭后一颗。

要多吃好的油脂如紫苏油、亚麻仁油等含OMEGA3的油,还要多吃苹果,及生的落花生(Raw Peanut),这些可以制造完美的细胞膜,因此,很容易就会来电。



3.         请您在床位左侧(躺下去左手平伸的位置)放一支百合花,凋谢了就换,可以帮助您改善桃花。


4.         最后心态的问题,您各方面都非常好,之前离婚应该也不是您的问题。您条件好,能力佳,就是有一点太严肃,因此女生相处久了会觉得有点不快乐,有点boring,所以我个人认为问题在于您要让女生和您在一起会感觉到快乐,有趣,而不能只是一种责任与义务。


5.         另外,喜欢您的女生,似乎都不太成熟,所以想法都比较天真,眼光也看不长远,比较短视。而您眼光比较长远,因此家中的事情双方就缺乏共识,您要为了未来而努力,而她喜欢享受当下。


6.         等您对象出现,您可以再咨询一次,我会帮您看如何和这个人相处,要如何彻底掌握住她的心,而且会提供您新房的风水布局,帮助您第二春能够天长地久。

This is followed by some questions & answers between online friend & Master through email communications.