“Hi HappyFate, my details: xx/x/19xx, 0xxx am, Male, i wanna know more about my career & family”
壬流 壬大 丁癸己壬八
辰年 子运 巳卯酉戌字
癸水身弱, 天干劫合才, 耗杀, 地支合劫克财, 耗官
今年运势还好, 工作压力减少, 人际关系与女缘不错.
“This statement is rather true, however please help to explain the 1st sentence. thank you :)”
Hi, I briefly explain only as follows:-
Your Day Master is 癸水 = Yin Water. You have characteristics of this element. In general, mild, calm & caring, tends to feel unsecure, suspicious, think negative…
身弱= Day Master is weak, meaning needs supporting elements like metal & water. Undesirable will be fire, water, wood.
劫合才 = Supporting element weakens undesirable fire
耗杀, 耗官 = Supporting element weakens undesirable earth
劫克财 = Supporting element destroys undesirable fire
劫 = water = siblings, sisters, friends…
合 = union…
才 = fire = money, girlfriend, father…
杀官 = earth = authority, job pressure…
HappyFate email: master@happyfate.com
壬流 壬大 丁癸己壬八
辰年 子运 巳卯酉戌字
癸水身弱, 天干劫合才, 耗杀, 地支合劫克财, 耗官
今年运势还好, 工作压力减少, 人际关系与女缘不错.
“This statement is rather true, however please help to explain the 1st sentence. thank you :)”
Hi, I briefly explain only as follows:-
Your Day Master is 癸水 = Yin Water. You have characteristics of this element. In general, mild, calm & caring, tends to feel unsecure, suspicious, think negative…
身弱= Day Master is weak, meaning needs supporting elements like metal & water. Undesirable will be fire, water, wood.
劫合才 = Supporting element weakens undesirable fire
耗杀, 耗官 = Supporting element weakens undesirable earth
劫克财 = Supporting element destroys undesirable fire
劫 = water = siblings, sisters, friends…
合 = union…
才 = fire = money, girlfriend, father…
杀官 = earth = authority, job pressure…
HappyFate email: master@happyfate.com
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