“Hello Master Lin,
according to my baZi would it be better if I stay unmarried in life? How wealthy will I be?
May i know, 金木水火土,which one is lacking in my bazi? Regards” - Detail Bazi analysis and brief main luck
cycles analysis Master report
“Dear Master, My
name is xxx. Birthdate is xx Dec xx, born at x:00 am, Female.
This is my
situations….., my questions are:(1) Are we compatible together and can marry?
(2) I feel like quitting. Can I?
(3) Do I have lottery wealth luck?
Please advise me and how to change my luck for the better. Life is not easy for me since 200x. Thank-you” - Specialty-Focused Express Service chat with Master
“Hi Master, I just
paid $80 for the career analysis, I have attached my information in the
document. I can read Chinese so please send me the analysis in Chinese. Thanks!”
- Bazi career luck detail analysis Master
“你好, 请大师帮我算个八字” - Detail
Bazi analysis and brief main luck cycles analysis Master report
“Hi Master Lin, I
am facing some issues….., please refer my questions:
1. Should i look for a job elsewhere or ask for
a transfer if I want long term job stability with good supportive boss?2. Should I sell off my current house next year?
3. Which one will be a better choice and location?
My birth details…., thanks hope to hear from you soon.” - Specialty-Focused Express Service chat with Master
“Hi Master, this is
xxx, your faithful fan ;) I have just purchased the Bazi analysis for all
main-luck cycles. Would especially like to hear more on career and
relationships during those cycles. DOB: xx Oct xx Time x:00 am. Gender: Female,
I look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards” – HappyFate Bazi Feng Shui Blog service