:Ms T 性别: 女 生辰: 197x/0x/2x 1x:00
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(女)我的专属指甲开运法! | |||||
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※ 白色:纯净又舒服的白,是配色的首选,也是指甲彩绘不可或缺的重要配色。单擦也能非常优雅经典,珍珠白与牛奶白更可以展现名媛淑女的气度。比白色再柔和的米白色是永不退潮流的经典款,淡雅的米白搭配亮片的银白,或是混有细细金粉的米色,展现皇室的优雅;珠光的米白会随着光线反射不同的光泽,彷佛另外一层美肌,让手指更加修长。但白色与米白这种淡色系的指彩,由于颜色的对比会抢走视觉的亮度,让手部肌肤显得黯沉。如果肤色不够白皙,或是指关节的皱折较多,选择白色的指甲油就必须多方尝试,选择更适合您的白色指甲油,才能突显优雅,不然会让手部看起来黯沉黝黑。
※ 蓝色:是很有夏日清凉感色系,不论是单擦一层的渐层透明蓝与果冻蓝;或是饱和个性系列的金属蓝与复古蓝,都可以带来不同风格的女人味。粉蓝或婴儿蓝,像是徜徉在沁凉的海洋中,开阔又明朗。搭配上闪闪发亮的银粉,营造出如同星光满布的蓝天风情;复古的几何蓝,也非常适合命中缺水的您,金属蓝与普普风格的夸张蓝能够宣告出自我的主张。
※ 黑色:黑色的强烈风格,在巴洛克颓废风潮之后,又在水晶指甲开始引起另外一种华丽风格。黑色的指甲比起任何的色彩指甲油更容易吸引别人的目光。叛逆又神秘的女人味,最好再加上金葱或银粉,黑色魔法的神奇,让您变成众人目光的焦点。单涂上黑色甲油,要避免指甲过长或是过尖的形状,否则很容易失去流行感而变得令人感到不舒服。短短圆圆的指甲反而比长型的指甲更适合单擦这类指甲油。
※ 开运图样:适合命中缺水的您的彩绘图样,象征梦想实现的“星星”、传达心意的“五角星”,与抓住好时机的“圆点点”,或是如同水纹般云石纹路、蕾丝图样,都是绝佳的开运图样。开运图样再加上开运指甲油,让您好运连连。
※ 两色使用:入门就用蓝色与白色来营造夏日清凉的风格。透明的指甲油,再点缀上白色、宝蓝色与浅蓝组成的圆点点图样,就能让手指看起来清凉又可爱。以浅蓝绿色为底色,用银葱指甲油上在指甲的一角,渐层的感觉让指甲如同冰沙的清凉感。或是点上白色的圆点点,或随性的圆点点让金属光泽呈现出清凉感。如果您带有帅气,也可以利用蓝色与白色画出运动风格线条,搭配帅气的服装,在休闲中透出清爽的女人味。
※ 超魔女发电指:先将指甲修成长方型,如果是短指甲的您,可以利用透明指甲片修出一样长方型的指甲。准备星星状的彩绘贴纸,或是选择含星星亮片的透明指甲油,先涂上黑色当作指甲底色,等干了之后再涂上第二层,让黑色更加饱和。待指甲干了以后,再涂上一层亮粉指甲油当成亮晶晶的星河,用镊子贴上星星亮片来做装饰,这样就完成了超魔女的发电指。如果觉得黑色太呛,可以选择以深蓝色为主色,再利用星星贴纸让星星分布在指甲面上,营造以夜空星星闪烁的设计主题,也可以达到一样的效果。
※ 玛丽珍甜美指:小小方长型的指甲形状就可以了,先准备立体的粉红蝴蝶结,以黑色为底色,用细头的指甲小棒或是刷头,点出白色的圆点,最后在小指与食指指甲上贴上蝴蝶结就完成了。
※ 云石水纹指:云石水纹就像水的漩涡,是非常适合命中缺水的您的开运图样。要画出漂亮的云石纹路图样,最重要的是要避免渲染不当而让指甲看起来脏,就失去云石纹的美感。选用深色系的黑色、深蓝为底色,多上几层让色泽饱和度更丰富,等指甲全干了之后,用细刷头选取较淡的色系如白色、淡蓝或是含有银粉的银葱指油,选在指甲的中间、上方角、侧边勾勒出如漩涡波纹的线条。或是以白色作为底色,再用淡蓝色以左右方式涂擦,呈现另外一种渲染式的渐层水纹指甲。
※ 小脸盆:盛装温水,可以浸泡指甲。
※ 指甲锉刀:修剪指甲形状的必备工具,可以选大片的指甲锉刀,以方便操作。
※ 棉花棒、脱脂棉花与化妆棉:甘皮保养时需要使用。
※ 甘皮推棒:可以自制扁平的小木棒或是烤肉用的竹签,缠上一层棉花压成扁扁的长条形状,比较好推清洁液。
※ 保养液组:去光水、甘皮清洁油、指甲精华液或保养液。
※ 第一步,先将指甲锉刀互相摩擦,新的锉刀表面刚开始会太过尖锐,不小心会让指甲跟手指受伤,所以先互相摩擦以减低它的锐利。
※ 第二步,利用食指与大拇指来夹握住锉刀,握的地方大约是距锉刀尾端2只指头宽的地方。指甲尖端以45度~60度的角度来修,手指朝同一个方向来修整,锉刀与第一指关节平行即可。
※ 第三步,指甲两侧贴合指甲缝修整,直直的拉动锉刀,千万不要来回拉距,会把指甲切出两层。尤其是指甲白色与粉红色的部分更不能修出圆弧形,圆弧形容易让指甲断裂。
※ 第四步,指甲的两角如果是直角,指甲边角很容易割伤自己,因此要修成小小的圆弧状。把锉刀放在指尖上,再往内侧轻轻修整出圆弧的角度,但注意不要修剪过头。
※ 第五步,轻轻地将指尖平压在锉刀的平面上,往内侧轻轻拉动,就可以清除掉因为削缓尖角所产生的指甲屑。
※ 第一步,先在小脸盆中让手指浸泡一下温水,软化甘皮。水温不要太高大约38~40度,加入一些肥皂水也可以。
※ 第二步,指甲沟上涂抹甘皮的清洁油,再用甘皮推棒轻轻地按压,不要太过勉强推开甘皮。
※ 第三步,确实地以画圆的方式推压甘皮,连指甲的角落与两侧都不放过。
※ 第四步,利用棉花棒将推压过甘皮清洁油的地方擦拭干净。
※ 第五步,再用化妆棉将甘皮屑与脏污擦掉,两侧的指缝与角落都要加强擦拭。
※ 第六步,再滴上指甲保养精华液或是具有保养功效的甘皮清洁液,轻轻地按摩指甲,帮助指甲健康生长。这样简单的指甲保养就完成了。提醒您,修整指甲的保养,包括甘皮的清理,与指甲两侧硬皮的修整,跟脸部身体去角质保养一样,不适合太过频繁的操作,这样会将身体本身的保护层破坏掉,保养太过会让指甲受到伤害。大约是半个月到一个月,视个人状况不同,去除一次甘皮或抛光就可以了。
With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"
在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
www.happyfate.com instant answer => (女)我的专属指甲开运法!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Establish a correct understanding on Bazi Analysis (based on your date, time of birth & gender)
For friends who believe in Bazi Analysis, it does not require much explanation to the concept and they will totally believe and trust their personal Bazi reading. However, for friends who do not believe in Bazi Analysis, no matter how much effort in explanation to them, they simply do not believe or tr...ust the reading. Here, it is important to establish a correct understanding on Bazi Analysis and its usefulness.
We need to be clear that Bazi Analysis will not be able to read a person fate in 100% accuracy. Bazi Analysis is good source of information we can use to understand ourselves better, such as our personality, ability, interests, suitable job type, school subjects, friends, marriage, wealth luck, health issue etc. etc. By knowing such information in advance from Bazi Analysis, we can do a better and more-informed planning to our life, career, health, marriage, etc. with the aim of making our life a smoother and better one.
We can compare a person’s Fate to that of the car we drive. When choosing cars, we usually ask what is the brands, how is its performance, horsepower, reliability and how fast it can go etc. Similar to car, a person's Fate is his basic <performance> and <specifications>, except that for car we can know very well about its performance and specifications, we can understand in advance its performance, horsepower, reliability and speed, and to replace parts for wear & tear. However, our Fate is more difficult to understand, our <performance> and <specifications> Why? This is because there are just too many different variables in our life. For example twins, with the same date & time of birth, gender, they will have a different Fate as they will encounter different variables such as different efforts being put in, different degree of planning and organization done, different course take, different people they meet etc. etc. Thus, the end result of their actions will be different.
Different brand of cars will have different <performance> and <specifications>. There is absolutely no guarantee that a car will certainly be good as long it is branded & good, because it depends much on the person who drives it. Similarly, if a person Fate is good, it may mean that he or she finds it easier to achieve results in life BUT it does not necessary means that he or she will be successful. A person with an average Fate can also successful as long as he or she is more careful and put in the extra efforts along the way. Thus, if a person is able to do better and more-informed planning in advance through Bazi Analysis, he or she can also run like a branded & good car and achieve the same good results.
We need to be clear that Bazi Analysis will not be able to read a person fate in 100% accuracy. Bazi Analysis is good source of information we can use to understand ourselves better, such as our personality, ability, interests, suitable job type, school subjects, friends, marriage, wealth luck, health issue etc. etc. By knowing such information in advance from Bazi Analysis, we can do a better and more-informed planning to our life, career, health, marriage, etc. with the aim of making our life a smoother and better one.
We can compare a person’s Fate to that of the car we drive. When choosing cars, we usually ask what is the brands, how is its performance, horsepower, reliability and how fast it can go etc. Similar to car, a person's Fate is his basic <performance> and <specifications>, except that for car we can know very well about its performance and specifications, we can understand in advance its performance, horsepower, reliability and speed, and to replace parts for wear & tear. However, our Fate is more difficult to understand, our <performance> and <specifications> Why? This is because there are just too many different variables in our life. For example twins, with the same date & time of birth, gender, they will have a different Fate as they will encounter different variables such as different efforts being put in, different degree of planning and organization done, different course take, different people they meet etc. etc. Thus, the end result of their actions will be different.
Different brand of cars will have different <performance> and <specifications>. There is absolutely no guarantee that a car will certainly be good as long it is branded & good, because it depends much on the person who drives it. Similarly, if a person Fate is good, it may mean that he or she finds it easier to achieve results in life BUT it does not necessary means that he or she will be successful. A person with an average Fate can also successful as long as he or she is more careful and put in the extra efforts along the way. Thus, if a person is able to do better and more-informed planning in advance through Bazi Analysis, he or she can also run like a branded & good car and achieve the same good results.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Get your instant answer to feng shui question. Try it to see the contents yourself.
Visit http://www.happyfate.com/en/index.php and get instant answer to your questions...
Name: Mr.A Gender: Male Birthdate: 19xx/5/xx
Birth Chart--Bazi, 4 Pillars of Destiny 時 日 月 年 七殺 劫財 偏印 庚 甲 乙 壬 午 寅 巳 子 傷官 比肩 食神 正印 正財 食神 偏財 偏財 七殺 |
How to
arrange better feng shui for my career?
◎ You can use water of the
"East", silver, white or silver-white table lamp, or phoenix mascot
to enhance your luck in work. The Feng Shui will be more perfectly if the
"left side" or "back side" of your office table could
against the wall and make the toilets, water dispensers, aquarium and water
tank avoid bad direction. ◎
We suggest a few simple and useful Feng Shui tips for your work space, which are not too obvious or obtrusive to colleagues who might think you are too superstitious.
Please find a cylindrical container which with diameter over 20 centimeters.
The style of container should be better simple and clean. And then choose a
lucky day, fill 80% water up and put it at due east side of your office
chair. The position must be precisely so you should better use a compass to
measure it. Please do remember to add water when it decreases. The position
your put must lower than your knees. Furthermore, if the due east side of
your office chair if right behind the chair, then please switch the place to
southeast side of the chair. This method of good luck is very powerful, but
only workable in 49 days. Definitely do not use this method after 49 days
otherwise may cause side-effects.
2. Most
offices use fluorescent lighting that is short in Yang energy, so find a
silver, white or silver-white lamp (not grey or ivory color) and use a 60W
bulb with white light. Position the lamp on the left side of your desk, keep
it on during working hours, and your luck at work will be smoother than your
Phoenix is your lucky animal at work, and also one of the four spiritual,
legendary animals in ancient times. Put the lucky mascot of phoenix on your
office desk in the form of a wood carving, crystal, painting, calligraphy,
porcelain or ceramic handicraft. Position either one piece or a pair on the
left side of your desk, with the phoenix head facing inward or upward, to
strengthen your competitive ability.
4. Your
office chair must have a back, and it will be better if the back could
against the wall which will set your mind at ease and help you meet right
person at workplace. Besides, the "left side" of your office table
(means the left side when you sit at the table) should better against the
wall as well. And then your job will get more help and more easily to do your
5. All
job characters can be divided into Yin and Yang types. Yin types are tending
to static, passivity, stable, and thinking; Yang types are tending to
dynamic, initiative, variable, enforcement. If your job is more like a Yin
type: Please put a broad leaved plant at "left side" of your office
table; if your job is more like a Yang type: Please put a broad leaved plant
at "right side" of your office table. These plants need to be take
care frequently, the dead leaves must be taken off once be found. The better
the plants grow, the better your career prosperous.
Please check if there is a beam across your seat in office. If the answer is
yes, please try to move your seat or office chair to prevent being directly
rushed by the beam.
Please check if the back side of your office chair is right facing the
window. If yes, please try to find something to cover it up or try to move
your seat or office chair to avoid it.
Please prepare a compass, put it at the position of your office chair, and
then look at northwest, due west, northeast and due south to see if there are
any toilets, water dispensers, aquariums, or water tanks on these directions.
If so, please try to adjust the arrangement or move the office chair to make
sure aforementioned items will not on the directions we mentioned above.
Sunday, June 9, 2013
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