Want to know the style of your love partner? - enter your date of birth details and get an instant answer free at http://www.happyfate.com/en/fate_service.php
With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"
在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)
Friday, April 26, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
More English instant service questions coming your way!!
Dear online customers and friends, thank you very much for your support and feedback on our instant service English section. We appreciate your valuable information. Thank you.
Would like to inform that more instant service English questions will be available soon. Check out http://www.happyfate.com/en/ fate_work.php and all categories for more English questions that you may have in mind. Coming your way soon!
Would like to inform that more instant service English questions will be available soon. Check out http://www.happyfate.com/en/
Thursday, April 18, 2013
SingTel, M1 & StarHub users can use mCash to shop online, purchase online game credits and pay bills through smartphones
SingTel has taken the idea of the mobile wallet one step farther by allowing mobile users - even those from StarHub and M1 - to store real money in their smartphones. They can then wire the money to other phone users, top-up their phone cards or pay for online game credits with a few taps on their smartphones.
Singapore took a giant step towards becoming a cashless society today with the launch of SingTel mCash, the nation's first mobile money solution that is a convenient and secure alternative to cash.
mCash enables users to make payments quickly and easily through their mobile phones, while on the move. It is available to subscribers of all mobile operators in Singapore. In the coming months, consumers will be able to pay for their daily necessities, such as transport, food and shopping, using funds stored in their virtual mCash account.
They will also be able to use mCash to shop online, purchase online game credits and pay bills. This mobile money solution will be the first of its kind in Singapore to enable customers to pay their friends and family instantly, making tasks such as splitting bills in restaurants and overseas remittances a breeze...
http://www.asiaone.com/News/ Latest%2BNews/ Science%2Band%2BTech/Story/ A1Story20130412-415548.html
http://info.singtel.com/ personal/phones-plans/mobile/ SingTel_mCommerce/mWallet
Singapore took a giant step towards becoming a cashless society today with the launch of SingTel mCash, the nation's first mobile money solution that is a convenient and secure alternative to cash.
mCash enables users to make payments quickly and easily through their mobile phones, while on the move. It is available to subscribers of all mobile operators in Singapore. In the coming months, consumers will be able to pay for their daily necessities, such as transport, food and shopping, using funds stored in their virtual mCash account.
They will also be able to use mCash to shop online, purchase online game credits and pay bills. This mobile money solution will be the first of its kind in Singapore to enable customers to pay their friends and family instantly, making tasks such as splitting bills in restaurants and overseas remittances a breeze...
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
大师亲算 Master Premium Service: Bazi Career Analysis details.
Extracts portions of www.happyfate.com Master Premium Service section Bazi Career Analysis report.
1. 不能占据您太多时间
2. 最好不要有领导管
3. 若有领导管事,最好能放手让您发挥,不要下指导棋
4. 领导不要有个人喜好,不要喜欢被拍马屁,最好是公事公办的领导
• 29-48岁,个性会比较冲,处理好上司关系,以及避免小人是您最重要的课题。
• 49到58岁,有几年的时间事业运势比较弱,有点被冷冻的感觉,容易郁郁不得志。
• 59到68岁,工作运要防破财,有几年的时间财库运比较弱,很容易将积蓄轻易投资或借贷给他人而造成重大损失。
• 69岁后,突然走大好之运,有一飞冲天的现象,而这时年岁已高,因此很有可能是出任重要公职,或是一夕之间致富。
1. 建议您办公座位宜朝向东北方。
2. 建议您办公座位和领导座位不宜朝向相反方。
3. 您的卧房是否在瓦斯炉或神位(如果有的话)的旁边?如果是的话,请您也应自行调整风水。
4. 另外,我推荐您一个食谱:清煮菜汤,把偏白色菜类如大黄瓜、大芹菜、大白菜、高丽菜等,以清水加油和盐煮食,必须油和盐先下锅,才放入青菜,油要用不饱和油如橄榄油或葵花油,不能用黏度高的油如苦茶油、香油及麻油等。清煮菜汤应趁热喝,并以吃菜为主,少喝汤。不能用排骨汤、鸡汤来煮清煮菜汤。这个食谱您每周一定要吃两次。只要您遵照食谱,可以助您事业顺利成功、无灾无疾。
5. 另外,燥热食物要少吃或忌吃,包括:经过烧「烤」烹调食物:包括烤面包、饼干、烧饼、酥脆甜点、......等食物。
6. 还有,高血浓度食物也要少吃或忌吃,包括:油脂多食物。高蛋白食物(鱼、肉、豆、蛋、奶、海产、坚果类) 。燥热性食物。薯类。奶类、芝士等浓稠类食物。粉状类食物(如芝麻糊、十谷粉、杏仁粉、花生粉等)。甜点。浓稠食物(豆浆、米浆、浓汤等)热性水果(龙眼、荔枝、香蕉及榴莲等)。
一切顺利 吉祥如意
Feng Shui & our shoes...
Every one of us wears shoes but most of us probably overlook the importance of placing our shoes properly outside our house. The majority of us will probably chuck our shoes aside anyhow after taking them off and before entering our house. It is a good practice to keep the shoes orderly or “out of our sight” and the best way is to keep them in a shoe cabinet.
This is becau...se our house front door is the main place where the Feng Shui “Qi” will flow in. Imagine if we were to place our dirty shoes anyhow outside the front door, then those unwanted or dirty “Qi” will also flow together into our house. This will greatly affect the luck of our house. In Feng Shui, it is very important to keep our house environment clean and fresh. Otherwise, no matter how much cost you spent on Feng Shui audit or placements, is will be useless if your house is messy and untidy.
This is becau...se our house front door is the main place where the Feng Shui “Qi” will flow in. Imagine if we were to place our dirty shoes anyhow outside the front door, then those unwanted or dirty “Qi” will also flow together into our house. This will greatly affect the luck of our house. In Feng Shui, it is very important to keep our house environment clean and fresh. Otherwise, no matter how much cost you spent on Feng Shui audit or placements, is will be useless if your house is messy and untidy.
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Thursday, April 4, 2013
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