With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Feng Shui Tips from the web....

The Star/Asia News Network
Wednesday, Oct 10, 2012

In feng shui, nothing is ever instantaneous. The common misconception is that you put an aquarium in the south-east sector of your house, and boom, you're a director of a public listed company overnight.

Well, if only it was that easy, we would have Bill Gates springing up everywhere like mushrooms after the rains. The thing is, people often look for instant results in feng shui. But they failed to realise that like every form of art and science, feng shui is not like a Band-Aid or Botox.

At the very least, feng shui requires either a directional or location change, and improving a situation would take time gradually and the progressive change of Qi in the property.

However, there are, despite the earlier points, several easy, albeit inconclusive, methods to gain favourable footing in the feng shui prospects of your property. These 101 steps are what you need for your house later on.

1) Entrance

Before you begin anything, note that the Main Door is one of the most important features in any property. The Main Door, or the Mouth of your house, acts as a "main entrance" as to where the Qi would enter the property.

Some residences, however, are heavily shadowed as a result of high or tall trees growing in front or on either side of the house. This is a no-no arrangement as it means the Qi flow to the house is blocked.

Solution: Trim away the heavy foliage or those low hanging bushes to let in much-desired sunlight and enable Qi to flow through.

2) Manhole

Another external feature you might want to examine is the manhole. Yes, they may appear innocuous, but in fact, a manhole located in proximity to the front of your property could potentially spearhead a Qi puncture problem.

And, this is prevalent even if the manhole is covered with a grill.

Solution: Cover the manhole with a slab of earth - that's it!

3) Uncluttered Space

An open space is a much desired feature in feng shui. Open space, or what is known as Bright Hall in feng shui, is a spacious ground in front and inside of your house where Qi could collect and settle before it is redistributed around the property.

Yes, an internal Bright Hall is equally as important.

Similarly, in apartment and condo feng shui, it is important for the unit's door to open out to a spacious foyer and broad area so that Qi can settle. Despite what it is called, a Bright Hall cannot be created by just having multiple lights in front of your house!

Solution: De-clutter the area in front of your Main Door to ensure no big physical items are obstructing the Qi "settlement". Similarly, make sure the foyer or greeting area inside of your house is spacious and clean as well.

4) Stove

Internally, in your kitchen, if your stove is located directly opposite your sink, changes need to be made. This situation denotes a clear Fire and Water elements clashing and it will unleash a wave of health issues affecting the residents.

Solution: Put a console or an island in the middle of the "clashing" area and peace will be restored in your household.

5) Bed

When it comes to sleep, the position of the bed ranks the highest importance in feng shui assessment! Placing the bed in the wrong direction could lead you to sleepless nights, affected health prospects and negative pressure at work. Yes, this is something you should consider about your bed placement.

Solution: Always place your bed against the wall. The bed is a Yin element and the wall is Yang - hence, a perfect balance is maintained.

There many other elements to assess before you can achieve well-balanced feng shui results in your home. The above steps, though easy and convenient, are only a fraction of what you can actually do for good internal and external feng shui outcome...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Online friend purchased "Premium Master Service - Detail Bazi analysis and brief main luck cycles analysis

Premium Master Service Bazi Analysis report sample:









您的婚姻缘是您的命格中比较弱的一环,原因在于您的命富贵皆有,因此您个人眼光会比较高,会认为宁缺勿滥,所以也会比较挑。从外人而言,一般人会觉得您很能干,工作能力很强,一般人可能会觉得若要追求您一定会被拒绝,因此只敢在心里想,而不敢付诸行动。因此,您會看上的,年紀往往不是比您大很多,就是小很多。建议您可以利用饮食来改运,可以多吃苹果,以及生的花生(没有煮过或炒过炸过的花生),还有可以吃Vitamin中的 Biotin以及Mg,另外,要多吃点好油,不能吃太清淡。在风水上,可以在您躺在床上时,左手往左平伸的位置,放一个花瓶在桌上或地上,瓶中插上一朵百合花,泄了就换,可以连续放49天,以增强桃花运。根据分析,您20162017两年有非常强的桃花运,很有可能会在那时候托付终身。



















Monday, November 12, 2012

"Want more lady luck? Try FengShui..."

Maureen Koh
The New Paper Tuesday, Oct 23, 2012

When clients want Mr Zen Neo to guarantee that "the money will come rolling in", the fengshui consultant's standard response is: "I'd like that too. "And if I can guarantee you that, you'd not be seeing me now." The man, who is in his early 50s, says in a mix of English and Mandarin: "Such demands irk me. How can you expect success without hard work?"

People pay geomancers for life analyses based on a person's date and time of birth. These fengshui masters also help in selection of auspicious dates for various types of occasions, auspicious names for people and companies, and personal characteristics appraisals.

Mr Neo's fees can range from $88 for a simple date selection to as high as "some tens of thousands" for a more "elaborate" reading. His profession has garnered him a semi-detached bungalow "somewhere in Bukit Timah" and he alternates between driving two luxury cars.

He gets annoyed when he hears snide suggestions about his wealth. "Why can't geomancers be rich? Please, you are paying for expert advice and of course, that means we are qualified professionals," defends Mr Neo, who has been practising fengshui for nearly 30 years.

The wealth of fengshui masters became a hot topic of late when well-known geomancer Goh Chuen Meng, tried to take out a court injunction to prevent his long-term mistress from selling two properties.
A national newspaper carried a diagram charting the various relationships between the master and his women. When Mr Neo is asked about the case, he bellows with laughter. He adds: "I can tell you honestly that there are at least three women in my life right now and I treat all of them fairly. "Do I love them? Of course. But I can also tell you that from the reading of my personal life analysis, one relationship looks set to end soon...and a new one will begin soon." Mr Neo confesses that he uses his reading expertise to seek new partners - particularly "the ones who can complement certain aspects in my life or career positively".

"I'm sure some people will be very critical (of his declaration) but I'd rather be honest than lie about it," he says unabashedly. A good practitioner, he feels, does not insist that his clients must buy fortune or good luck emblems. "Some practitioners set up an alternative business and make money by selling the items at exorbitant rates," he says. "It does not mean that people who want you to buy these emblems are cheats. But, frankly, they are not really a must."

He has seen an increase in requests by companies who want him to appraise their potential hires. He sees an average of 10 a month, compared with two to three in the past. Says Mr Neo: "Often, it's for top or crucial positions and clearly, the corporations want to ensure that the best man - or the most ideally suited one - is hired for the job." And sometimes, he claims, his clients prefer to cut their losses than hire someone they had in mind after they hear his analysis.

He recounts an incident about three years ago. "This company had already offered the position of finance controller to a prospective employee, but from my reading of his 'ba zi' (eight characters derived from date and time of birth), I felt that my client had more to lose if he was hired." As a result, Mr Neo's client offered the prospective employee compensation for reneging on the agreement. "About a year later, that man was in the news for misappropriating funds from the company he had joined," he says.

He insists that the practice is not mere superstition. He explains: "Fengshui is based on the concept that everything in our environment and even in our body has a life force or energy, better known as 'qi'. "The art of finding a perfect balance of the positive and negative aspects of this energy produces a vibrant qi."
Mr Neo adds: "As practitioners, our job is to help you ensure that all things are in harmony with the surroundings."

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Online friend purchased "Premium Master Service - Ask any one question?"

Premium Master Service: “Ask any one question detail analysis base on Bazi Analysis”
Question:  My compatbility with this guy?






Information required: Date of birth & time details of She & He.


Friday, November 9, 2012

A gentle reminder to online friends...

After processing the pay-pal payment for the "Master Premium Service" option, remember to email the required information (dd/mm/yy am/pm, gender etc) to service@happyfate.com and also to confirm the item you have purchased. HappyFate will acknowledge your email information accordingly. Your Bazi analysis report will be ready & email to you within 7 days time. Thank you for your kind support : )

(Kindly refer to http://www.happyfate.com/en/master_online.php 

on the procedures. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Thanks)

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Hi HappyFate, i would like to ask how to deal....."

“Hi HappyFate , I would like to ask how to deal with Zi-Mao Punishment as i have that in both my DM Earth branch and Month Earth branch. And my 10 years LP is Bing Zi. Would like to seek your advice. Thank you.”

=> Hi, have referred to your chart. I have extracted information from some Bazi teachings as follows for your reference:

子卯之刑=无礼之刑, 没气质, 眼光高, 不随便与人交谈, 不客气, 脾气不好等等...
Zi-Mao Punishment = about rudeness & mannerless, proud, not easily approachable, blunt, bad temper, etc. Knowing the above information, you will be able to reflect on yourself & behaviours and improve on it if it is true.

=> Actually, I usually do not take into account punishment. I concentrate on Heavenly stem combinations, Earthly branches combinations & clashes. However, note that different teachers have their formulas of analysis and we cannot comment on who is accurate or not, correct or wrong etc. Most importantly, we must respect each other learning. Do forgive me if i didn't provide the answer you are looking for.

“Thank you very much for your reply. And also really appreciated for the information that you given to me. From what I see clashes is much more severe than punishment, harm etc?”

=>Yes you may say that...

"I would like to know my relationship..."

“Hi HappyFate, this is my birth details (Solar calendar) Date: x/x/198x, Gender: Female. Questions: I would like to know..., my relationship..., thank you for ur reply... I m so exiting waiting that...^^ ”

2012壬辰流年: (Average)
画卢并峰连: 野心頗大,连锁企业,扩大版图之志气。殘花偶逢雨: 运气不佳,偶又逢状况,防生病,是非等。
2012 luck is average. Although you may be aggressive and have big plans, your luck however is not smooth and there are ...
obstacles along your path. Also, beware of gossips & need to take good care of your health.

2013癸巳流年: (Average)
青山依傍竹: 保守依赖性,渴望安定,依靠也。更殘望明月: 欠缺助力,雖有抱负,仍无希望,防夫妻。
2013 luck is average. You will tend to be conservative, wishing for stability and looking to rely on others. But there seems to be a lack of help or luck in your progress. Need to manage your love relationship, communicate well & try to compromise.