With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

我该如何经营我的爱情?"How do i manage my love?"

www.happyfate.com - instant service section question: (The English content is translated by Happyfate per customer request)

 時   日   月   年 
    X             正財  正印 
 X   丁   庚   甲  
 X   酉   午   寅  
我该如何经营我的爱情?"How do i manage my love?"




3 在饮食方面:食物本身具有不同的能量,一般情侣在热恋时,吃东西往往是你一口我一口,去外面用餐也喜欢点一样的餐点,这段时间因为吃的东西都很类似,因此心灵最契合。等恋情稳定后,俩人去外面用餐就开始会各自点喜欢的餐点。而当恋情更平淡后,俩人一起用餐的机会就越来越少,甚至是各吃各的。由此可知,如果您想要让您们的感情更甜蜜,请您尽量多吃一点对方喜欢吃的饮食(一定要健康的饮食才可以),这样您们双方的默契就会越来越好,感情也会越来越甜蜜。

4 在风水方面:请将您卧房床铺「左侧」(也就是您在床上仰睡时的左侧)的杂物收拾好,并清理干净,在这块空间,除了您们的合照、情侣装、情侣对戒、情侣对表、爱情纪念品、定情物、粉晶球等爱情相关物品之外,最好不要有其它的杂物,也不要有凌乱的感觉,更不要有不相关的人物照片,或其它人像、神像、艺术雕刻品、画作、玩偶、公仔、娃娃、镜子,以及盆栽等。这样您们的爱情应该就会越来越稳固,也不会受到不好的干扰了。

"How do I manage my love?" Translation by Happyfate

◎ As long as you get along and think from your partner’s point of view, have good interactions with him, maintain correct diet and feng shui, your love will be filled with happiness and harmonious . ◎

1 [Get along] According to Analysis, you do not directly reveal your affection, nor directly speak your feeling easily, thus the other may feel that you are a bit ambiguous and it may not be easy to understand exactly how you think. Your love may be more romantic in the beginning, but as the time passes, it may be hard to maintain. Also you are not easily settled down, sometimes it is inevitable you will be distracted by others, as such the other side may be less assured.

2 [Interactions] When both of you are sitting together, it is best not to sit directly opposite him, it is best to sit on his right side. When you are both walking together, you may want to walk on his right side. In this way, the relationship will be more harmonious and less prone to disputes. When you are both hand in hand, you may want to let his right palm to hold your left palm, because the outside of the palms are “yin”, while the inside is “yang”. In this way, the opposite (yin & yang) attracts, and this means more able to maintain good feelings.

3 [Diet] Suggest you can order the same meals when both are dining outside. If you want to let your feelings become even better with each other, you try to eat more of what the other usually likes to eat. Try it.

4 [Feng Shui]: Please clear all unnecessary items on the left side of your bed, keep it clean and tidy. If there is space on the left, you may place photos of both together or couple in love related items on the table, love souvenirs, tokens, rose quartz ball etc. It is best not to have other debris that will create a messy feeling, also not to have pictures of other people, or other people portraits, statues, art sculptures, paintings, dolls, mirrors, and potted plants. In this way, your love relationship would be more solid and there would be no bad interference.

Monday, October 29, 2012

"I want to know about my year luck & more on love life..."

"Hi HappyFate, my details: x/x/x, x hour, Male. I want to know about my year luck and more on my love life in particular...”

2013癸巳流年: Very Good

翰墨生芳香: 笔墨或文辞发挥专长,且流芳吉运。 鷗鶩棲浦口: 双人在水口,美食丰富,运途顺畅吉利。

2013 luck is very good. Your love relationship is good and you will enjoy the time being together with your partner. Your career luck is also good, not to worry…..

Email service@happyfate.com and get your free analysis for 2013.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Client chooses 2-years Bazi luck with months analysis

Bazi fate in general (本命命格):

青山依傍竹:  保守依性,渴望安定,依靠也。Conservative, looking for stability & support.
蒹葭晚夜:  心情忽不定,俟到夜晚,方能平穩踏实Emotional at times, usually feeling more secure and stable especially in the evening.

青山依傍竹: 保守依性,渴望安定,依靠也。更殘望明月: 欠缺助力,雖有抱,仍希望,防夫妻。幸有贵人相助Your 2013 luck cycle is ok. You will tend to be conservative, rely on others and looking for stability. Support from others at works may be lacking even though you are self-motivated. If you are in a love relationship, suggest to be compromising and better manage it. Fortunately, mentor is around to help you along the way.

1-4:  啼恨:  忽恨芋事到來,來的总该会來,何须烦恼Take things easy, not to worry too much of the unforeseeable results, whatever will be will happen.
4-8:  大浪乘舟帆:   行工作中,仍有波折,是非等事身。Hiccups and gossips are expected during this period, be prepared to overcome them.

8-10:  啼恨:  忽恨芋事到來,來的总该会來,何须烦恼Take things easy, not to worry too much of the unforeseeable results, whatever will be will happen.
10-12: 掘地逢金銀:   辛勤工作富,用心点则更多。Your hard work and determination will bring your rewards. If you have been careful and attentive, the result will be even better.


界中角: 分出彼此,如合夥成拆夥,一分二之意。鏡新生磨: 友、夫妻易起磨擦,每次状况不一Your 2014 luck cycle is average. There is sign of separation, whether in work, partnership or relationship. Communication with relatives, friends and partner may not be good. There seems to be arguments over things and each time it is of different situation.
1-4:  更殘望明月:   夫妻情感摩擦,事上欠缺某部份助力。Communication issues with partner. At work, support from other department may be lacking.

4-8:  皎月更深靜:   工作做到很晚,才能休息,故扯到三更半夜。You may need to work late into the night in order to complete your task and have a good rest.
8-10:  星光照嫣红:   运势事物充的憧景。Progress is still acceptable, you tend to look forward to the good things you have in mind.

10-12:  望明月:   障礙容易克服,方能顺畅、成功。If you can overcome obstacles fast, you will progress steadily and succeed in your tasks.

(Note: After reading the meaning of the sentences, you may apply them to the main area of concern you have in each phase. If the sentence hints of average luck, then the specific concern you have in your mind will have average result. You may want to hold that decision, be less agressive and adopt a win-win approach...
...extracts from client bazi analysis report.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Online friend asks about career direction...

“Hi HappyFate, I will like to ask about career. I am unsure of my career and searching for a direction. Hope you can give me some pointers. Dob: 1x Nov x2, Time: 00am, Female”

2012壬辰流年: (Average)
江边蘆葦花: 穩定中仍心性不定,恐遭外界受影响。
Your 2012 luck cycle is average. You tend to be emotionally unstable even though the situation seems to be ok. You are likely to be easily influence by others.

2013癸巳流年: (Good)...

騏驥盜取來: 欲得到美好事物,且不不择手段想拥有。
Your 2013 luck is good. You want to have the best things in life. But you main tend to use whatever means to achieve your targets. Fortunately, there will be mentor (贵人) to help you.

Regarding your question on career: Base on your bazi chart, your day master is weak Earth, thus your favorable elements are Fire (印) & Earth (比). From your option, you may consider 1st Teacher & 2nd.....