“Hi HappyFate, I am interested in the bazi analysis of my life main luck cycles, please let me know how the online procedures...? I am Male, my birth details as follows….., thank you”
Bazi Analysis report of life main luck cycles (samples):
1. 思缘天玉容: 思考缘份的美好,是上天送的,好粧扮。
2. 根基桃李树: 从事两种之工作,且为主要根本之事业。
=> The current main luck period that you are in is good. There is po...
Bazi Analysis report of life main luck cycles (samples):
1. 思缘天玉容: 思考缘份的美好,是上天送的,好粧扮。
2. 根基桃李树: 从事两种之工作,且为主要根本之事业。
=> The current main luck period that you are in is good. There is po...
ssibility of a good relationship to blossom or a husband & wife team working together to achieve goals. There is sign that one of you will be doing two jobs at a time and both jobs are considered important to both.
1. 鹤立孤树松: 高高在上,傲气十足,恐人际关系欠佳。
2. 细流入海洋: 积少成多,聚沙成塔,缓慢累积事物,持之有恆。
=> This main luck cycle is also good. You will accumulate working experience as well as improve savings, each step at a time and you are determined to succeed. However, remember to be humble when you have achieved certain results and achievements. And be tactful in handling human relationship.
1. 春雁归巢穴: 万物欣榮,运势转好之际,回归巢穴休息。
2. 夜雪遮明月: 一片暗淡运势,前途艱因无进展,防身体。
=> During this period, your luck is average. Things may seem good and stable but it is time to take a step back and re-charge again later. Take care of health and plan carefully ahead.
1. 孤鶩乘風伯: 独來独往,到他地工作,顺势而为之势。
2. 耕鋤获金銀: 一番耕耘,一番收获,将会如所愿得到钱财。
=> These 5 years will be good. Your hard works will be rewarded accordingly. There is sign that you may be changing career or moving to new location. On the other hand, take note of inter-personal issues.
Your personal bazi main luck cycles analysis reports as above will provide you an additional information guidance in your life. If you know a certain period luck is average or not good, you may want to be more conservative in your approaches or avoid aggressive investment or plan. On the other hand, if your luck is good, you may want to make that major decision or be more pro-active in chasing your goals.
您想了解您这一生未來的运势吉凶过程吗?您是否曾思考,这一生该 如何來规划您的生涯吗?有了以上八字大运命盘,你将更能掌握自我 的运势,知悉进、退、盈、亏的吉凶祸福时机,而做最具体的一生生 涯规划,迈向人生康莊大道。
1. 鹤立孤树松: 高高在上,傲气十足,恐人际关系欠佳。
2. 细流入海洋: 积少成多,聚沙成塔,缓慢累积事物,持之有恆。
=> This main luck cycle is also good. You will accumulate working experience as well as improve savings, each step at a time and you are determined to succeed. However, remember to be humble when you have achieved certain results and achievements. And be tactful in handling human relationship.
1. 春雁归巢穴: 万物欣榮,运势转好之际,回归巢穴休息。
2. 夜雪遮明月: 一片暗淡运势,前途艱因无进展,防身体。
=> During this period, your luck is average. Things may seem good and stable but it is time to take a step back and re-charge again later. Take care of health and plan carefully ahead.
1. 孤鶩乘風伯: 独來独往,到他地工作,顺势而为之势。
2. 耕鋤获金銀: 一番耕耘,一番收获,将会如所愿得到钱财。
=> These 5 years will be good. Your hard works will be rewarded accordingly. There is sign that you may be changing career or moving to new location. On the other hand, take note of inter-personal issues.
Your personal bazi main luck cycles analysis reports as above will provide you an additional information guidance in your life. If you know a certain period luck is average or not good, you may want to be more conservative in your approaches or avoid aggressive investment or plan. On the other hand, if your luck is good, you may want to make that major decision or be more pro-active in chasing your goals.
Know your Bazi destiny in general and your life 5-years main luck cycles S$100. 您的八字本命简批, 一生生涯大运运势. Email master@happyfate.com for online discussion now!