With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Testimonials from online friends (网友评论)

"Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the details you've told me, your answers to my questions are straightforward and detailed. Thank you once again. I will send in another purchase of Master Premium Service report for my family member..."

"Hi Master, Thank you so much for your reply and answer our questions. We've been busy and have forgotten to reply you. I do have other questions on wealth but I will gather
all my questions first and ask you for your advises in the next round : ) Regards"

"Hi, thanks for the great customer service and complimentary reading! me and my sisters are ur loyal customers and will always be! I will definitely patronize happyfate again. Thanks! Sent from my iPhone"

"Hi HappyFate 凱禄,  Just to let you know I was really pleased with your prompt response yesterday :)  I also found the results from the Happy Fate website to be very accurate - and because of your excellent service and response time, I went on to buy a further 7 to 8 products yesterday evening.  Kudos to an excellent service from Happy Fate and also offering of good products :)  I will continue to patronize your website offerings :) "

“Hi Master, I have read through the report and I have to say it's really true for my love life. I haven't been in a relationship for years and friends around me seemed to have found their partners. I always wondered why is it so as I don't seem to attract any attention…..When would it be for me to meet my... other half? Will I meet him here…? Thank you very much! Best Regards”

“Thanks HappyFate, really appreciate your kindness and helpfulness. Will try to look for a new job before 21 Feb and will try to smile more often to my boss :) haha..”

“Hi, I did a test of myself with your www.happyfate.com website. Except I don't recall having pimple problems when I was young, everything else is accurate. I must admit I never pay much attention to stuff like these. Today, out of boredom I guess, prompted me to visit your site - instant & accurate analysis, Cheerios”

"wow, very accurate... really (free bazi analysis), thank you very much! just bought one of your services (for my career luck), and yes, very accurate as well, it's amazing, thanks"

"Dear Master Happy Fate, I am very attracted to your website and your superb accuracy in just your free analysis on your website. I have already bought 2 instant answers but I hope to have a more in-depth answers for me. I am at crossroads for career and love life..."

"I am a great fan of your website. I have actually purchased 6 questions..."

“OMG I loovveee your website!!!”...i have purchased 9 more questions..."

"Yes indeed it is very accurate, especially this year when I have decided to embark some stuffs alone..but luck doesn't seem to be by my side and indeed i gained new experience.."

"Hi Master Happy, Thanks for your advice. I was browsing through your blog and realised that you know a lot. Do you charge if I ask for a detailed life analysis? If yes, how much?... I would like to know more about myself as I'm at my life crossroad now. Thanks. Best Regards."

"I have previously PM-ed you in forum and i mistakenly thought 2011 is this year analysis. Could you let me know the analysis for 2012? This is what u have told me and i find it accurate now that i think about it."

"Thank you. I just want to tell you that your luck analysis for my 2011 situation is spot on."

"I had login and tried the FOC, amazingly quite accurate."

"I've tried, pretty accurate."

"Hi, I tried the website, using the free analysis, it is really quite true to my life!!!"

"Hi! I tried the English page of website and I tried the free service. Most of the explanations are matching with my characters…Wow.."

A gentle reminder to online friends visiting HappyFate website: www.happyfate.com

A gentle reminder to online friends visiting HappyFate website: www.happyfate.com

1. Please remember to copy & paste the instant service answer you have purchased and save it to your file after reading it. The Chinese or English answer you have selected will appear once you have completed the pay-pal payment process.

2. Depending on your choice, if you prefer Chinese option, please click "简体中文" ...
on the top right corner of the website to enter into Chinese pages to select your questions. Please click "English" to enter into the English pages.

3. Please do not use firefox as it is not supported, sorry for this inconvenience.

If you have any technical issue on the website, kindly email to service@happyfate.com, we will reply to you accordingly.

Thank you for your kind support : )
Yours sincerely
(Bazi issue please email master@happyfate.com)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

"Pls read my Bazi on my wealth and health in coming years.."

“Hi Happyfate, can you pls read my Bazi on my wealth and health in the coming years? I am a Male, was born on xx Oct, 19xx at 1xxx pm. I am thinking of migrating too, is it favourable?”

雁宿远要塞: 到异地重要机构,转心经营工作,可贺也。事物归本位,恰到好处,欣欣向荣。
2012 luck is very good. You are leaving for an important place to concentrate on your career. Things will be smooth and prosperous for you.

2012 – 2016 (5 years main luck cycle):
风高千里远: 运气顺畅,行千里之地,心胸开朗也。另一方面轻声细语交谈,喻心境平和,无优无虑。勤加维护眼睛。
5-years main luck cycle is also very good. Take care of your eyes.

Discussions with online friend on www.facebook.com/happyfate after reading the analysis:-

"Many thanks for your analysis. Pls advise if I am a Strong or Weak Earth Person ? And what is my wealth element?"
=您的命盘是从势格(submissive Chart Style). As Daymaster is Earth, your wealth element is water.

"Since I have so many water in my chart, does it mean I will be very rich?"
=命盘是基因, 岁运是时间表. 命好还须岁运扶持. In general it hints that there are good opportunities of wealth. However, one has to read the luck cycles to analyse the resulting effect of the interaction between five elements in the chart & luck cycles...
"Happyfate, you are right. I'm quite lucky in term of making money but my younger years were not so good. Anyway, I thank you."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

I would like to know more on my studies & career...

Online friend chat with Happyfate on his Bazi:-

“Hi Happyfate, I would like to know more on Studies and Career Progression, especially this and Next Year. will it be smooth for me? DOB : x Oct 19xx 1x:xx pm, Sex : Male, Regards”

Hi, thanks for your support:

雾阻行径间: 前途茫然,一片暗淡,阻碍力甚大之。This year not so smooth, likely to face heavy pressure at work or study.

轻舟飘风扬: 简便、无事一身轻之下,更能得心应手。双人在水口,美食丰富,运途顺畅吉利。Next year will be better.

“Hi Happyfate, Thanks for the reading. Is there anything for me to take note or avoid during this and Next Year? Sorry to bother you again. I would like to ask again whether will there be any progress for my love/romance this yr or next yr?”

Hi, this year take it easy, try not to force yourself on relationship. next year luck should be better. thanks : )

“Hi Happyfate, Thanks for the advice. I just random use ur website to calculate my bazi, it mentions that I have 1-2 偏財 means what? Is it something to do with extra finance source or having adultery in late yrs?”

Hi, having 1-2偏財do not necessary refer to extra finance source or having adultery, Bazi analysis also needs to read the yearly & main luck cycles…Your day master is fire, fire conquers metal & in Bazi terms metal is your 偏財. Metal in your bazi represent wealth, girlfriend/wife, father etc. You will need to read the interaction among the 5 elements during your luck cycles to have a better analysis…..