With the rapidly changing economy and advanced technology nowadays, things can happen very fast and life is full of ups & downs. It can be full of joy one moments, and frustration the next. If you are able to have a destiny forecast as your guidance, life will definitely be a smoother one. "Find that rainbow, go ride it!"

在我们这复杂忙碌, 工商业突飞猛进的今天,得意快, 失意也快. 如果能预知命运祸福而趋吉避兇, 必能改善命运。在这里与有缘人分享传统八字风水。希望能协助寻求您的人生方向, 解决困境或增进对自己与别人的谅解。这就是您漫漫旅途的加油站,茫茫大海的避风港。我们是新加坡最值得您信赖的网络命理顾问。值得信任、真心诚意、替您设想,是我们服务的唯一宗旨。(畇溱风水命理服务)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

您是属于什么命格? (Part 3)

太阳命代表人物 => 孙燕姿 (1978-07-23)


 時   日   月   年 
    比肩  傷官  食神 

    丙   己   戊  
    戌   未   午  

     食神  傷官  劫財 
     正財  劫財  傷官 
     劫財  正













Do you know your sign in Chinese horoscope?

Bazi Chart:

 時   日   月   年 
    比肩  正財  傷官 

 吉   戊   癸   辛  
 时   辰   巳   巳  

     比肩  偏印  偏印 
     正官  比肩  比肩 
     正財  食神  食

Sign of Castle (城堡命) => Goh Chok Tong (1941/5/20)

Your life is represented by the castle of wisdom, living in your own world and creating your own stage. However, you are pretty weak in financial management. You keep your word and you like kind and determined people. You look like an easy-going person but you are actually quite determined. It's hard to tell what's on your mind and you tend to keep a low profile.

Your characteristics, subconscious, and behaviour modes, according to your fate and destiny, are represented by the castle. You will naturally protect yourself, but can accept others. You are amiable and smart, but a bit dull.

You understand things clearly, but tend to keep your viewpoint inside your heart. Although a castle is impressive and imposing it also seems unchangeable. People will neglect your contribution until you leave your original position or give your feedback, only then will they discover your importance. You have your own viewpoint, but are willing to cooperate with others and give them the stage and opportunity to perform. A castle is has defense function, so you are more defensive and others are unable to enter your inner world.

Your appearance is very amiable, but you are very rigid in your heart and will persist and not give up. You admire people who are heroic, dominating and a bit arrogant, but also respect those who are unselfish and lenient with others. Your entire life is like a solid castle, devoted society, never asking for any payback, and being supportive of others. You will have many good friends in the down times of your life.

Health Analysis: The function of your stomach and intestines is weaker.

According to your destiny analysis, the function of your stomach and intestines is weaker, which caused minor problems like bad breath, upset or bloated stomach, and diarrhea when you were young. But over age 40, additional care of your stomach and intestines is needed, or it may lead to major digestive system problems such as esophagus infection, stomach or intestinal infection, gastric ulcer, hemorrhoids, intestines polyp, diabetes. Therefore, you should avoid fatigue and stress, maintain a stable lifestyle and schedule, sleep and wake early, eat regular meals at regular hours, don't drink alcohol, and consume less acidic food and drink in order to protect a congenitally weak digestive system.

There's a saying that all disease starts from the mouth, which means many human diseases are related to food. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, food can be divided into gold, wood, water, fire and earth (concept of the five elements). You seem to prefer the sweet flavors of desserts and other sweets, which means your cells are filled with too much earth element. This negatively affects your health, fortune and career, so we suggest you try different foods to balance your diet and nutrition, which leads to harmony in life and a balance of yin and yang based on the five elements. In addition, if you have recently felt unlucky or things were not going smoothly, then you are probably affected by bad spirit, which caused bad luck. The best solution is not to eat meat and fish for a period of time until the bad spirit goes away. The bad spirit tends to stay with those who eat meat and fish, and also chicken, duck, green onion, garlic, leek and other spices, so a vegetarian diet can help change your luck.

Health Analysis: Your liver and gall is weaker as well.

Your liver and gall is weaker as well, so you tend to tire easily and can't do labor-intensive jobs. You may have had irritability and acne when you were young. But over age 40, your liver and gall require additional care, or you may have problems such as cholesterol and triglyceride, abnormal liver, liver or gall deceases, or even suffer a delining immune system, which leads to failing eyesight. Therefore, it's very important for you to pay attention to your liver and gall and maintain a stable schedule for your life. Monitor your glycerin level, consume less alcohol, avoid fatigue, and most importantly, do not to stay up overnight.

According to your destiny analysis, you are a night owl as you seem to be more energetic and inspired at night, so you tend to sleep late and get up late. However, sleeping and waking up early is extremely helpful to your fate and destiny, even though it's not easy for you. You don't easily offend others as you don't like to be the one on top. You better stay away from alcohol if you want to change your fate and destiny, as it drains your energy quickly and negatively affects your fortune. If you are able to develop the good habit of sleeping and waking up early, it will completely change your fate and destiny with better health, more wealth and happiness coming into your life.

The way you get along with your girlfriend or wife is more like friends in an equal position looking for a mutual balance. You have your own territory, friends, and also insist on your own opinions, so some disputes and disagreements are unavoidable.

In romance, according to our analysis, you are easily attracted to someone you admire in your heart, but you often end up empty-handed because it's quite difficult for both parties to fall in love at first sight. Generally speaking, women do not have deep first impression of you, so they need time to discover your inner beauty. You, however, tend to like a person at the first sight, but not after a period of time. Therefore, if you are still waiting for a good romance, try to show your inner beauty by doing more activities, establishing better habits, and socializing with more people. This way you can express your inner beauty naturally all the time, which makes your romance go more smoothly.

In the journey of life, your romantic or marriage partner might be introduced by relatives and friends, or through matchmaking. You tend to be inexperienced in love, unable to express yourself, and do not know how to actively pursue someone without being too sticky or giving up easily. You have opportunities but are afraid to get hurt, so eventually it is not easy for you to have the spark of love. If you are still seeking your love partner don't rush because someone nearby likes you, so as long as you pursue the relationship sincerely, the happiness is yours.

Career and Wealth Analysis: You know how to make money, but it is not easy for you to hold onto your money.

According to your destiny analysis, you know how to make money, but it is not easy for you to hold onto your money. Your life is more philosophical, so you are not stingy with yourself, family or friends. You spend what you have even when you are financially tight, and are generous when you are financially comfortable. Because of this, it's not easy for you to save your money. In addition, you maybe convinced easily by friends to make some financial investments that cause you to lose money. You like to make many friends, so you easily lose money if you cannot evaluate risk or reject people when they approach you for investment. You will spend most of your wealth doing things you want to do throughout life because you consider only money spent as the wealth actually owned by you. Afterwards, you will not bequest much to your descendants.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

您是属于什么命格? (Part 2)

花园命代表人物 => Rain (1982-06-25)


 時   日   月   年 
    比肩  正印  正財 

    己   丙   壬  
    卯   午   戌  

     七殺  偏印  劫財 
         比肩  食神 

单眼皮帅哥『Rain--- 您是智慧的花园,沉浸在自己的世界,有自己的一片天空,但缺乏理财概念。重诺讲信,喜欢有仁慈,有魄力的人。外表随合,内心执着。不随便表示意见,优点也不轻易显露。






您是属于什么命格? (Part 1)

時   日   月   年 
    比肩  七殺  偏財 

    乙   辛   己  
    卯   未   酉  

     比肩  偏財  七殺 
兰花命代表人物 => 王菲 (1969.08.08)
巨星风采的『王菲』--- 您是野外的兰花,应该在温室中享福,却得承受风吹雨打的磨炼。心性仁慈,喜欢有礼貌,有魄力的人。外在的表现比内心坚强,渴望生长在温室中,喜欢安定,不喜欢冒险。








Friday, November 18, 2011

Global economy and financial system at most fragile state: MAS

Singapore News

Global economy and financial system at most fragile state: MAS
By Ryan Huang | Posted: 18 November 2011 1232 hrs

SINGAPORE: The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) warns that the global economy and financial system are at their most fragile state since the global financial crisis four years ago. In its annual report on the economy, the Financial Stability Review November 2011, the central bank said financial stability risks have increased significantly in the second half of the year.

MAS highlighted that key risks facing Singapore included a protracted global economic slowdown, financial contagion and pressures in the property market. It warned that a protracted global slowdown could weigh on the domestic economy, cause corporate earnings to fall, with knock-on effects on employment and wage growth.

"The resulting impact on corporate and household balance sheets could expose over-extended borrowers and lead to a deterioration in the quality of banks' loan portfolios. It is therefore important for borrowers to stay financially prudent," the central bank said. "Over-extended borrowers could face strains if these risks crystalise," it added.

Secondly, the central bank warned that external shocks and financial contagion could lead to funding stresses, and higher borrowing costs. It noted that market pressure on European banks to rebuild capital buffers and reduce risk could weaken their ability to provide credit to the real economy.

Thirdly, the MAS believes there needs to be continued caution and vigilance over the property market. It said that while cooling measures taken by the government have dampened the momentum in the property market somewhat, sales by developers have remained firm.

Overall, the MAS said that Singapore's economy and financial system have been resilient, with corporate and household balance sheets remaining healthy, supported by the country's economic growth. It added that Singapore's financial sector has negligible exposures to the peripheral euro zone countries, with banks and insurance companies maintaining high capital and liquidity ratios.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


八字源自古代的中國,是命理学中最重大的发明. 可说是经历了几千年大风大浪的验证、无数先贤的智慧洗礼,在不断地反复实践考证之后,才得到的重要宝贵资料. 八字是一种利用天干和地支來准确记录,将一个人的“出生年月日时”,依据一个特定规则,转化成一种由“天干、地支”所组成的命盘,而那是一种可以分析一个人未来运势吉凶的命盘. 因为该命盘里“干支的总数”正好是“八个”,所以统称为八字,或者俗称为“生辰八字”. 而一个人的八字中包含“年干支、月干支、日干支、时干支”,看起来就象“四条柱子”一样,所以“八字”又叫做“四柱”,而“八字论命”也可以叫做“四柱论命”. 八字论命以日干為我(日主,命主),查四柱间的五行生剋制化、刑沖会合为命的重点。八字命是认为我们人的命运是可预测的,我们可以通过人的出生时间来预测人的一生之命运运动方向.

  • 命盘示例


八字命主要也是在分析一个人的五行「金水木火土」在命盘的平衡. 当五行不平衡时,五行之间的冲克力量较大,因而影响一个人的生活作息,使一些不顺利之事发生。反之,五行较平衡时,诸事也会较顺利。我们也可以发现一个人的八字透露出重要的未来讯息。经过验证,一个财运发达的八字,将来就会是社会上举足轻重的人,并拥有大量的财富.

Introduction to Bazi (八字) or 4 Pillars of Destiny (四柱命理)

Bazi (八字) or 4 Pillars of Destiny (四柱命理) Analysis is a very powerful Chinese Astrology that is used to predict our destiny through focusing on the study of Heavenly Luck which is made up of the Fate & Luck cycle.

Bazi method uses the 5 basic elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water to represent an individual's Bazi or 4 Pillars of Destiny. The 4 Pillars are allocated into the Year, Month, Day and Hour. Each pillar is represented by an element, as derived from an individual birth data. Each pillar consists of the Heavenly Stem (天干) and the Earthly Branch (地支). The self-element (日主) is represented by the Day pillar of the Heavenly Stem and it is employed as a reference point in its inter-relationships with the other seven elements in the 4 Pillars for predicting an individual's destiny.

Bazi can play a very important part in understanding and fine tuning of our DESTINY. We can use Bazi to understand ourselves in details, even if we are afraid of admitting our weaknesses or we are not fully aware of our own personalities. This helps us to maximise our strong points and improve on the weak points. Once we understand the luck cycles of our lives, we can be aware to maximise the good opportunities to the fullest and to keep low profiles when times are bad so as to avoid any misfortune.

Bazi can predict your luck in this life.
Bazi can predict on your marriage life.
Bazi can predict on whether your spouse is helpful to you.
Bazi can predict on the relationships with your children.
Bazi can predict on your health.
Bazi can predict on your wealth.
Bazi can predict on your career prospects.
and many more…

Fate & Luck only make up part of our life. What we sow is what we reap. In the end it is still our action and hard work that will decide the direction and quality of our life. By applying Bazi or 4 Pillars of Destiny Analysis, we can have the opportunities to improve ourselves, have a better vision to make good decisions and achieve the goals in our life.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lucky accessories for animal signs in Chinese horoscope

Introduction of suitable accessories for people with different animal signs in the Chinese horoscope. They not only can bring you good luck, but it can also let you have a new atmosphere and good temper.

For the animal sign is Rat

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of ox, dragon, or monkey, or wear on Rock Crystal or Smoky Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of horse. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Ox

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of snake, rooster, or rat, or wear Rock Crystal, or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of goat. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Tiger

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of pig, horse, or dog, or wear Smoky Quartz, to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of monkey. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Rabbit

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of pig, goat, or dog, or wear Smoky Quartz, to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rooster. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Dragon

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of monkey, rat, or rooster, or wear Rock Crystal, or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of dog. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Snake

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rooster, ox or monkey or wear Rock Crystal, or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of pig. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Horse

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of tiger, dog or goat or wear Rock Crystal, or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rat. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Goat

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rabbit, horse or pig or wear Rock Crystal, or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of ox. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Monkey

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rat, dragon or snake or wear Rock Crystal to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of tiger. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Rooster

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of snake, ox or dragon or wear Rock Crystal to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rabbit. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Dog

Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of tiger, horse or rabbit or wear Rock Crystal or Rose Quartz to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of dragon. It will reduce your good luck index.

For the animal sign is Pig
Lucky accessories: You can wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of rabbit, goat or tiger to increase your good luck index.

Unlucky accessories: Do not wear the jade pendants, golden decoration, mobile pendant or key ring with the shape of snake or not wear Rock Crystal, Smoky Quartz and so on. It will reduce your good luck index.

Compiled by Happyfate advisor Grand Master Lin